As a believer of God, I believe love is the most valuable thing in this world. Because of God’s love, we are able to breathe, live, and survive. According to the bible, humans are supposed to die because of their sins, but they are saved through Christ. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believers in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Thanks to the death of Jesus, we will not die but are given eternal life.
How did normal get so weird? This was the title of a podcast I listened to recently. Do you have a feeling things are getting a bit weird in our world? It is not just that normal changes from time to time, but that the rate and extent of change is head spinning. The experts on the podcasts would attribute different causes for this change, but I see this primarily as a spiritual question.
I recently went to a service where a minister was inducted to be the pastor of a church. The parish has two churches and at the service the new minister presented each of them with an old fashioned sailing ship wheel. I could identify with that because, when I began my ministry at Greyfriars, God impressed on me that we are a ship set sail.
For several years now I have had a link on my tablet to a live stream to the Royal Albatross Colony at Taiaroa Head near Dunedin. Every now and then I look to see what is happening. I find it interesting to watch these magnificent birds grow, fledge, stretch and test their wings, then fly.
Prayer is like a two-winged bird. One wing which we see and are aware of, is our efforts, our time given to prayer. The other wing, hidden from our sight but very real, is what is happening spiritually. |