Our sermon today relates deeply with our cultural event. The purpose of this service is to help us understand how important it is to work together as one Church. As you know, many of us are from different backgrounds and cultures. However, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we become one in Christ. We are God’s family.
Pentecost is known as one of the great festivals of the Church. In modern culture it isn't popular like Christmas or Easter, but for Christians it's very important. It celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the disciples and they were transformed. We will also explore the work of the Holy Spirit and his influence on the people of God throughout the bible.
When I was sixteen, about to leave school and join the workforce, I wasn’t sure what line of work to pursue. Someone suggested I could become an electrician and that seemed like a great idea to me. But how would I find a good job like that? It just so happened that my Uncle Jim knew a friend who could help, the owner of an electrical business. My uncle put in a good word and arranged an interview for me. That went well and I began my electrical apprenticeship. It proved the old adage, It is not what you know, but who you know. As Christians we have friends in high places. There is no higher place than heaven and no closer friend than Jesus. If it is not what you know, but who you know, then I know the King of Kings who puts in a good word for me to God my heavenly Father.
Before my father passed away, my family were able to spend precious time with him. We talked together about so many things, and he told us he loved us. His last words to us were very important. When people die they leave behind their "will", their last message to their loved ones. In the same way, before Jesus ascended into heaven, he left his disciples with his last message and his will for them.