To illustrate what faith is, I will be talking about Abraham. He has been called the father of many nations. Genesis 12:1-4 illustrates to us that Abram was a man of faith. Because, he received a call and decided to follow God even though he was uncertain about the reason for the call. The book of Hebrews 11:8 says, “by faith Abraham, when called to go….he obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”
Babies change so quickly! They put on weight and progress from milk to solids; they start rolling, then sitting up, crawling then standing up, and before long walking. Sometimes, when talking about babies we say, they grow up so fast! Can the same be said for Christians? Or is our spiritual growth stunted?
Just over a month ago Eliud Kipchoge broke the world record for a marathon. Eliud was only able to do this because he had a superb support team, including a pace car and support runners. Each person on his team were there to help him succeed. We don’t all have specialist teams like Eliud had for his record pace, but we have our church family (team) who support us as we run the race of faith.