Church is not so much about us, it’s about God. God is at work in our church and has inspired us in our mission, vision, discipleship and spiritual health. These flow from our relationship with Jesus and are faithful to the scriptures, formed with prayer, discerned as a local fellowship and engaged in through service.
Our mission
to know and follow Jesus Our vision to be a vibrant and thriving, multigenerational and multicultural Christian church, faithfully following Jesus |
Our aim
Living in Love Growing in Faith Uniting in Purpose Devoted in Worship Sharing in Fellowship Proclaiming the Gospel Serving with Compassion |
Our Priorities
Discipleship Spiritual Leadership Building Community |
우리 교회가 성령충만한 공동체가 되려면
서로 사랑하며, 믿음이 성장하도록 서로 돕고, 예수그리스도 안에서 하나되어 예배에 힘쓰며, 교제하고 복음을 증거하는데 열정을 가지고 섬겨야 합니다. |
在爱中生活 在信中成长 有目标的团结一致 有真诚的献上敬拜 在团契中分享分担 共同宣扬福音好消息 以慈悲心互相服侍 |
Ola i le Alofa
Tuputupu a'e i le Faatuatua Tutu faatasi i le Faamoemoe Tapua'i ma le Faamaoni Fefaasoaa'i o le Fealofani Tala'i le Talalelei Auauna ma le Faamaoni |
愛に生きる 信仰にうちに成長する 目的を一つにする 礼拝に身を捧げる 横のつながりを分かち合う 福音を宣教する 愛情を以て奉仕する |