Sadly, it seems all churches experience conflict at some point. It can be sparked by minor matters like the décor of the church, by ill feeling between members, a serious breach of standards or a dispute over theology. Whatever the cause, how these matters are handled can make the difference between the reconciliation of the parties or a major walk out of church members. Not always but often, congregations that are Spiritually unhealthy tend to become Congregations in Conflict. I am convinced, the best way to avoid conflict in the church tomorrow, is to attend to our spiritual health today.
I often struggle to find a contemporary story or example to illustrate the bible theme in my message. Sadly today I have no such difficulty in finding an example of selfish earthly wisdom, because the illustration is glaringly obvious - the war in Ukraine. The shedding of innocent blood, the destruction of cities and most vile the bombing of a maternity hospital are clear examples of the extreme disorder which results from selfish earthly wisdom. James states, “Such ‘wisdom’ does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.” (James 3:15–16)
One of my childhood memories is going to the circus with. As a child I enjoyed it all, but my highlight was the lion tamer who went into the cage with growling lions had me spellbound. I know now these shows were not good for the animals but to a five-year-old it was an incredible sight. I thought the lion tamer was both brave and clever - to enter the ring with these wild snarling lions and have them jump through fiery hoops!