I wonder when you have felt most joyful; not just happy but joyful?
Joy is a deep sense of contentment and wellbeing despite circumstances. It is the very height of extreme happiness that we sometimes experience at the birth of a child or on a wedding day. Joy is the heartfelt expression of emotion that arises, floods and fills the heart in response to the best news, good news, a realisation that fills us with wonder and delight. Joy. Deep Joy. This is at the heart of the Christian faith. I was concerned to read a news headline on the Stuff website which stated, Young Kiwis’ anxiety about plastic like nuclear war fears. It reported on a teenager who is struck with “massive anxiety” when seeing all the plastic wrapping in a supermarket aisle. When did the overuse of plastics move from being a problem to be solved to an anxiety to be treated? As I read this, I wondered about hope in our community.