December 2024 Innocents Lost
I enjoy this time of year when we begin singing the songs of Advent and Christmas. They are mostly songs of hope, joy and celebration. However, the medieval Coventry Carol, Lully Lullay is quite different. It is a lament sung for the loss of children at the Massacre of the Innocents. This was instigated by Herod the Great who ordered that male children under the age of two be killed. He did this because he had heard from the wise men that the King of the Jews had been born and he would not allow any rival claim to the throne (Matthew 2:16-18). Would someone actually give such a cruel order? Sadly, such brutality was in his nature, even ordering the execution of three of his own sons. He was ruthless, stopping at nothing to keep a firm grasp on the throne.
Although this lullaby is not in the top ten Christmas Carols, I suggest you listen to it at least once this year and allow the haunting lyrics to move you as the women mourn their children.
Although this lullaby is not in the top ten Christmas Carols, I suggest you listen to it at least once this year and allow the haunting lyrics to move you as the women mourn their children.
Lully, lullah,
thou little tiny child, Bye bye, lully, lullay. O sisters too, how may we do For to preserve this day This poor youngling for whom we do sing, “Bye bye, lully, lullay?” |
Herod the king, in his raging,
Chargèd he hath this day His men of might in his own sight All young children to slay. That woe is me, poor child, for thee And ever mourn and may For thy parting neither say nor sing, "Bye bye, lully, lullay." |
Because of Herod’s misuse of power, the innocent paid a heavy price. He had no sympathy for the vulnerable. This reminds us, the nativity was not Christmas card perfect. Even the holy family had to flee and live as refugees until the danger had passed. While the baby Jesus escaped the anger of Herod, this was a temporary reprieve. Later, humanity would nail Jesus to a cross, the innocent dying for us. His mother wept as his broken body was laid in a tomb. Like the mothers in Herod’s day, she too wept for the loss of her son.
Today the choices of angry men, using violence against civilians, means innocent children continue to die, are wounded or left as orphans as wars rage around them. Our Advent themes of hope, joy, peace and love may seem to cruelly mock those who carry their wounded children to hospitals or who sit mourning beside their broken bodies. Yet because Jesus did not remain in the tomb, because he overcame death, these themes take on meaning beyond our present circumstances.
Perhaps you could take a moment to pray and reflect on the plight of innocent children who are suffering today.
Perhaps as a Christmas gift you could make a donation to World Vision, Tearfund, or Christian World Service who seek to minister to children and families living in difficult situations.
“‘A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.’” (Matthew 2:18)
God bless you this Christmas
John Malcolm
Today the choices of angry men, using violence against civilians, means innocent children continue to die, are wounded or left as orphans as wars rage around them. Our Advent themes of hope, joy, peace and love may seem to cruelly mock those who carry their wounded children to hospitals or who sit mourning beside their broken bodies. Yet because Jesus did not remain in the tomb, because he overcame death, these themes take on meaning beyond our present circumstances.
Perhaps you could take a moment to pray and reflect on the plight of innocent children who are suffering today.
Perhaps as a Christmas gift you could make a donation to World Vision, Tearfund, or Christian World Service who seek to minister to children and families living in difficult situations.
“‘A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.’” (Matthew 2:18)
God bless you this Christmas
John Malcolm
november 2024 abide in christ
I recently attended the Abide conference which lifted my spirit and inspired my faith.
Pete Greig taught on prayer saying, Miracles are easy for God. The greatest miracle is not when God answers a prayer, but when a person prays. He asked, Is prayer our last resort or our first priority? Then he suggested the church has a “prayer problem”. Do you agree? Is this too harsh? When was the last time you attended a prayer meeting with others, a meeting specifically to pray? We have an annual prayer morning, a monthly missions prayer lunch and a weekly prayer time on Tuesday afternoons. If we arranged a prayer meeting at a more convenient time, would you come?
Laura Barringer taught on the goodness of God and creating Cultures of Goodness. She focused on creation, where we read seven times in Genesis that the creation is good. Moses wrote that God abounds in goodness. God’s goodness in his being and his gifts to us are celebrated in the Psalms, including the well-known 23rd Psalm, “Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, …” (Psalm 23:6) In the gospels Jesus is revealed to us as the Good Shepherd. Further, goodness is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit which should grow in our lives. The goodness of God is foundational to his character and so we in the church should strive to be good and to do good.
Mark and Trudi Sayers suggested our world is moving from an age of anxiety to an age of anger. They pointed to “cultural exhaustion” from all the big issues of the world being amplified through social media and news outlets. Despite former hopefulness in progress born from scientism after World War two, secularism has failed and is in a moment of crisis. Richard Dawkins, one of the loudest prophets of scientism, while still not believing in God, now considers himself to be a “cultural Christian” as he begins to see the value of Christian influence and virtues in society. The speakers noted from their own experience, that people caught up in the flux of our current age are now more open to considering, even discussing spirituality. In light of this the speakers suggested we focus on discipleship, outreach and prayer.
The overarching theme of the conference was to Abide in Christ. We were encouraged to foster the presence of God through prayer, to gain strength from the goodness of God and to consider how we might reach those struggling with the burdens of modern life.
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. (John 15:9-11, NRSV)
Perhaps these are ideas we should keep in mind as we look towards our Re-Visioning weekend and consider the future direction of our church.
God bless you
John Malcolm
Pete Greig taught on prayer saying, Miracles are easy for God. The greatest miracle is not when God answers a prayer, but when a person prays. He asked, Is prayer our last resort or our first priority? Then he suggested the church has a “prayer problem”. Do you agree? Is this too harsh? When was the last time you attended a prayer meeting with others, a meeting specifically to pray? We have an annual prayer morning, a monthly missions prayer lunch and a weekly prayer time on Tuesday afternoons. If we arranged a prayer meeting at a more convenient time, would you come?
Laura Barringer taught on the goodness of God and creating Cultures of Goodness. She focused on creation, where we read seven times in Genesis that the creation is good. Moses wrote that God abounds in goodness. God’s goodness in his being and his gifts to us are celebrated in the Psalms, including the well-known 23rd Psalm, “Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, …” (Psalm 23:6) In the gospels Jesus is revealed to us as the Good Shepherd. Further, goodness is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit which should grow in our lives. The goodness of God is foundational to his character and so we in the church should strive to be good and to do good.
Mark and Trudi Sayers suggested our world is moving from an age of anxiety to an age of anger. They pointed to “cultural exhaustion” from all the big issues of the world being amplified through social media and news outlets. Despite former hopefulness in progress born from scientism after World War two, secularism has failed and is in a moment of crisis. Richard Dawkins, one of the loudest prophets of scientism, while still not believing in God, now considers himself to be a “cultural Christian” as he begins to see the value of Christian influence and virtues in society. The speakers noted from their own experience, that people caught up in the flux of our current age are now more open to considering, even discussing spirituality. In light of this the speakers suggested we focus on discipleship, outreach and prayer.
The overarching theme of the conference was to Abide in Christ. We were encouraged to foster the presence of God through prayer, to gain strength from the goodness of God and to consider how we might reach those struggling with the burdens of modern life.
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. (John 15:9-11, NRSV)
Perhaps these are ideas we should keep in mind as we look towards our Re-Visioning weekend and consider the future direction of our church.
God bless you
John Malcolm
october 2024 pray for peace
It was sobering on Wednesday morning to see videos of the missile attack on Israel. It almost looked like a fireworks display but in reality, was a life-threatening attack.
The history of the region is a complex web of disputes between ancient and modern civilisations, and religious groups in which Christianity bears some responsibility. Jerusalem is an ancient city which has seen periods of turmoil and destruction. In ancient times the fertile crescent, including Israel, formed a land bridge from the powerful kingdoms in the north, Assyria, Babylon and Persia, to the riches of Egypt in the south. Throughout history armies have marched back and forth on missions of conquest, often with Israel as a pawn in their plans. Israel has also chosen sides in these disputes, at times the wrong side, being conquered and taken into exile.
Even in the days of the Psalmist there were times of war, siege, and devastation. King David wrote, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.’ For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’ For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.” (Psalm 122:6–9). Sadly, in our day, thousands of years later we still have reason to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
It seems obvious there can be no peace in Jerusalem unless there is also peace in the surrounding nations and peoples. But this peace remains elusive while new aggression opens old wounds, giving the next generations reason to retaliate and seek revenge for years to come.
True, deep and lasting peace can only come from Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Jesus gave a counter intuitive and challenging command saying, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:44–45) Only love and prayer such as this can break the cycle of retaliation and revenge. This love comes as a fruit of the Spirit and requires us to exercise self-control.
I invite you to join me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem, the Middle East and the world. Pray that those in power may exercise self-control, focusing on establishing peace and caring for the well-being of all peoples in the region.
God bless you
John Malcolm
The history of the region is a complex web of disputes between ancient and modern civilisations, and religious groups in which Christianity bears some responsibility. Jerusalem is an ancient city which has seen periods of turmoil and destruction. In ancient times the fertile crescent, including Israel, formed a land bridge from the powerful kingdoms in the north, Assyria, Babylon and Persia, to the riches of Egypt in the south. Throughout history armies have marched back and forth on missions of conquest, often with Israel as a pawn in their plans. Israel has also chosen sides in these disputes, at times the wrong side, being conquered and taken into exile.
Even in the days of the Psalmist there were times of war, siege, and devastation. King David wrote, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.’ For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’ For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.” (Psalm 122:6–9). Sadly, in our day, thousands of years later we still have reason to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
It seems obvious there can be no peace in Jerusalem unless there is also peace in the surrounding nations and peoples. But this peace remains elusive while new aggression opens old wounds, giving the next generations reason to retaliate and seek revenge for years to come.
True, deep and lasting peace can only come from Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Jesus gave a counter intuitive and challenging command saying, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:44–45) Only love and prayer such as this can break the cycle of retaliation and revenge. This love comes as a fruit of the Spirit and requires us to exercise self-control.
I invite you to join me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem, the Middle East and the world. Pray that those in power may exercise self-control, focusing on establishing peace and caring for the well-being of all peoples in the region.
God bless you
John Malcolm
The first time I really came across the problem of evil was in a high school social studies class when the teacher asked all the Christians in the room to raise their hands. About five hands were raised. The teacher then told the class of a personal situation where a baby of one of his friends had died. He then pointedly asked, If God is a god of love why did he allow this baby to die. I didn’t understand at the time, but he was clearly in distress, suffering loss and lashing out, not so much at the Christian students but at God. I wish at the time I had a good answer to give, but we were all silent.
Several of us attended the recent Thinking Matters seminar at which Greg Koukl spoke about the problem of evil. I found this helpful because this is a question we all wrestle with. It is a problem which is often very personal, and which pops up in conversation from time to time. If there was a definitive answer, we would all know it and the problem would be solved.
Greg Koukl stated, Evil came into the world when we broke something good God had made. The story of creation reiterates time and again that the creation was good, even very good. God’s command not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not given to deny Adam and Eve something good, the garden was already very good, but given to protect them from harm. Evil was not a substance God created, as if God put it there, rather evil came into being in the brokenness caused by Adam and Eve. Evil is the deliberate breaking of something good. It was found in the destructive twisting, tearing, snapping of the good relationship they had with God. They sowed the seeds of evil in the soil of their disobedience, lies, and evasiveness.
In a sense, evil is not just the absence of good but more so the absence of God. Adam and Eve’s choice did not enrich them, it diminished them. Rather than eating from the tree of the knowledge of life, they embraced loss. They lost their innocence with each other, lost their relationship with God, and lost their place in the garden of Eden. Soon after we read they lost one son, Abel to murder and the other son Cain to exile, wandering the earth in restlessness. So very quickly the idyllic life of goodness in the garden was lost to the brokenness of a world of good and evil.
In our present world we have the knowledge of good and evil. There is sufficient good to allow us a sense of what life should be like, a knowledge of goodness that makes the presence of evil all the more acute and painful when it touches our lives. We all experience the brokenness of the world and of relationships which continue to wring out goodness, twist kind intents and cause all manner of pain.
It took the goodness of the unbroken life of Jesus, broken for us upon the cross to bring wholeness. Through the cross God did something about the problem of evil. We may not have all the answers, but we do know God’s solution and His promise through Jesus to make all things new.
“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling-place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death” or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’” (Revelation 21:3–4)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Several of us attended the recent Thinking Matters seminar at which Greg Koukl spoke about the problem of evil. I found this helpful because this is a question we all wrestle with. It is a problem which is often very personal, and which pops up in conversation from time to time. If there was a definitive answer, we would all know it and the problem would be solved.
Greg Koukl stated, Evil came into the world when we broke something good God had made. The story of creation reiterates time and again that the creation was good, even very good. God’s command not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not given to deny Adam and Eve something good, the garden was already very good, but given to protect them from harm. Evil was not a substance God created, as if God put it there, rather evil came into being in the brokenness caused by Adam and Eve. Evil is the deliberate breaking of something good. It was found in the destructive twisting, tearing, snapping of the good relationship they had with God. They sowed the seeds of evil in the soil of their disobedience, lies, and evasiveness.
In a sense, evil is not just the absence of good but more so the absence of God. Adam and Eve’s choice did not enrich them, it diminished them. Rather than eating from the tree of the knowledge of life, they embraced loss. They lost their innocence with each other, lost their relationship with God, and lost their place in the garden of Eden. Soon after we read they lost one son, Abel to murder and the other son Cain to exile, wandering the earth in restlessness. So very quickly the idyllic life of goodness in the garden was lost to the brokenness of a world of good and evil.
In our present world we have the knowledge of good and evil. There is sufficient good to allow us a sense of what life should be like, a knowledge of goodness that makes the presence of evil all the more acute and painful when it touches our lives. We all experience the brokenness of the world and of relationships which continue to wring out goodness, twist kind intents and cause all manner of pain.
It took the goodness of the unbroken life of Jesus, broken for us upon the cross to bring wholeness. Through the cross God did something about the problem of evil. We may not have all the answers, but we do know God’s solution and His promise through Jesus to make all things new.
“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling-place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death” or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’” (Revelation 21:3–4)
God bless you
John Malcolm
august 2024 Be the person god wants you to be
You need to be who God wants you to be, in order to do what God wants you to do!
There are times when we are not sure what God wants us to do, but we can always be certain about the person he wants us to be. He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8). Another bible translates this, You must treat people fairly. You must love others faithfully. And you must be very careful to live the way your God wants you to. (NIRV)
As humans we sometimes overthink this. We complicate it, surely it can’t really be that simple. But it is that simple! We don’t need to study the bible for years as if what God wants from us is hidden cryptically in its pages. We don’t need to earn a degree in theology to solve the mystery. God has shown us what is good and what he requires from us – be just, merciful and humble.
Being the person God wants us to be will guide us to do the things God wants us to do. When our inner values are good and wholesome, they work their way out into our actions and deeds. These values can temper and restrain our more natural actions. We all know, love moves us to act differently from anger and a desire to be just inspires fairer outcomes.
I have often said, God loves you as you are, but he won’t leave you that way. God is deeply interested in who we are in our inner being. God sees within us, to the values, motives, ambitions or insecurities that drive us to behave in one way or another. And God, by the Holy Spirit works to instill better, more godly values within us, so these grow and bear fruit.
The New Testament builds on Micah’s list pointing to the fruit God desires to see in our lives, “… love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,” (Galatians 5:22). These attributes make us better people. If we teach these to our children, should we not also look to see them in our own lives? Even if we struggle with these virtues, I think we would all agree they are worth striving for. When we do act fairly and lovingly our families and communities benefit from the best of human qualities.
The person who most completely demonstrated these is Jesus. As we follow Jesus more closely, these attributes develop in us more fully. As we pray, read the bible, worship God, and serve others the “family traits” of Jesus begin to reshape us so we can become the best person we can be. As we open our lives to the influence of the Holy Spirit, these virtues grow as fruit within us.
Be the person God wants you to be and you will find yourself doing the things God wants you to do.
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. … And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:12 &17)
God bless you
John Malcolm
There are times when we are not sure what God wants us to do, but we can always be certain about the person he wants us to be. He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8). Another bible translates this, You must treat people fairly. You must love others faithfully. And you must be very careful to live the way your God wants you to. (NIRV)
As humans we sometimes overthink this. We complicate it, surely it can’t really be that simple. But it is that simple! We don’t need to study the bible for years as if what God wants from us is hidden cryptically in its pages. We don’t need to earn a degree in theology to solve the mystery. God has shown us what is good and what he requires from us – be just, merciful and humble.
Being the person God wants us to be will guide us to do the things God wants us to do. When our inner values are good and wholesome, they work their way out into our actions and deeds. These values can temper and restrain our more natural actions. We all know, love moves us to act differently from anger and a desire to be just inspires fairer outcomes.
I have often said, God loves you as you are, but he won’t leave you that way. God is deeply interested in who we are in our inner being. God sees within us, to the values, motives, ambitions or insecurities that drive us to behave in one way or another. And God, by the Holy Spirit works to instill better, more godly values within us, so these grow and bear fruit.
The New Testament builds on Micah’s list pointing to the fruit God desires to see in our lives, “… love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,” (Galatians 5:22). These attributes make us better people. If we teach these to our children, should we not also look to see them in our own lives? Even if we struggle with these virtues, I think we would all agree they are worth striving for. When we do act fairly and lovingly our families and communities benefit from the best of human qualities.
The person who most completely demonstrated these is Jesus. As we follow Jesus more closely, these attributes develop in us more fully. As we pray, read the bible, worship God, and serve others the “family traits” of Jesus begin to reshape us so we can become the best person we can be. As we open our lives to the influence of the Holy Spirit, these virtues grow as fruit within us.
Be the person God wants you to be and you will find yourself doing the things God wants you to do.
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. … And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:12 &17)
God bless you
John Malcolm
JULY 2024 what's in a name?
It is unclear why the people of Mt Eden Presbyterian Church voted in 1958 to change the name of the church to Greyfriars, but when they did they connected us into a wonderful spiritual heritage.
During our recent discussions with Rod Morris several people asked why the name was changed. We know that the majority (257 people) voted for it, but we don’t have any record of what was on their minds. In my opinion, in those days with a strong link to Scottish Presbyterianism, people were likely thinking of Greyfriars Church in Edinburgh and links to “home”.
But the name goes further back in history. The name is linked to the Catholic order of Franciscan monks who built a friary in Edinburgh in the fifteenth century. These monks wore grey robes and were known as the Grey Friars. They lived according to the rule of St Francis of Assisi, taking vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty. We often overlook the importance of monastic orders, but they played a key role in alleviating poverty, providing health care and education to local people. Often, they would provide sanctuary for people in need. Their gardens would not only feed the monks but provide food for the most vulnerable in society.
The friary was destroyed in 1558-59 as the Protestant reformation swept Scotland. It was a time of both religious and political turmoil. The friary was demolished and all that was left was the old Greyfriars graveyard. With the growth of the Protestant church a new church building was needed and so construction began on the former site of the Grey Friars friary.
A significant spiritual event took place at Greyfriars Church which was in many respects foundational to the growth of the Presbyterian Church. It began when King Charles I approved a new service book to be used in the Church. In 1633 the new service book was used in Greyfriars which caused a revolt among the parishioners. This runs deeper than the service book itself and was a reaction to the Church in Scotland being told what to do by the King in England. Adding to the conflict, William Laud, the Archbishop of Canterbury tried to enforce the use of the new service book. The Scottish were not willing to allow this Bishop to “Laud” it over them and wanted greater freedom in their worship. In response Scottish nobles and gentry assembled in Greyfriars church to hear the “Covenant” read and to sign it. The Covenant signed at Greyfriars, aligned the Church of Scotland with the Presbyterian form of Church governance, meaning the people of Scotland would have greater freedom in their forms of worship.
The word Presbyterian comes from the Greek word presbyteros meaning elder. When we read of elders in the New Testament the word used is presbyteros. The influence of Calvinism inspired those in the Church of Scotland to reject the Episcopalian rule of Bishops. Rather than a Bishop appointing a minister in the Church of Scotland, each parish insisted their own elders had the right to call a minister. A Church ruled by elders rather than by a bishop is at the heart of Presbyterianism.
Therefore, the name Greyfriars connects us not simply to a church in Edinburgh, but to a spiritual heritage of freedom in worship, governed by local elders and to the heart of Christian service seen in Francis of Assisi and the mission of the Grey Friars who sought to serve God by settling in Edinburgh. In light of this let us worship with the freedom God has given us and dedicate ourselves to serve Him.
God bless you
John Malcolm
During our recent discussions with Rod Morris several people asked why the name was changed. We know that the majority (257 people) voted for it, but we don’t have any record of what was on their minds. In my opinion, in those days with a strong link to Scottish Presbyterianism, people were likely thinking of Greyfriars Church in Edinburgh and links to “home”.
But the name goes further back in history. The name is linked to the Catholic order of Franciscan monks who built a friary in Edinburgh in the fifteenth century. These monks wore grey robes and were known as the Grey Friars. They lived according to the rule of St Francis of Assisi, taking vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty. We often overlook the importance of monastic orders, but they played a key role in alleviating poverty, providing health care and education to local people. Often, they would provide sanctuary for people in need. Their gardens would not only feed the monks but provide food for the most vulnerable in society.
The friary was destroyed in 1558-59 as the Protestant reformation swept Scotland. It was a time of both religious and political turmoil. The friary was demolished and all that was left was the old Greyfriars graveyard. With the growth of the Protestant church a new church building was needed and so construction began on the former site of the Grey Friars friary.
A significant spiritual event took place at Greyfriars Church which was in many respects foundational to the growth of the Presbyterian Church. It began when King Charles I approved a new service book to be used in the Church. In 1633 the new service book was used in Greyfriars which caused a revolt among the parishioners. This runs deeper than the service book itself and was a reaction to the Church in Scotland being told what to do by the King in England. Adding to the conflict, William Laud, the Archbishop of Canterbury tried to enforce the use of the new service book. The Scottish were not willing to allow this Bishop to “Laud” it over them and wanted greater freedom in their worship. In response Scottish nobles and gentry assembled in Greyfriars church to hear the “Covenant” read and to sign it. The Covenant signed at Greyfriars, aligned the Church of Scotland with the Presbyterian form of Church governance, meaning the people of Scotland would have greater freedom in their forms of worship.
The word Presbyterian comes from the Greek word presbyteros meaning elder. When we read of elders in the New Testament the word used is presbyteros. The influence of Calvinism inspired those in the Church of Scotland to reject the Episcopalian rule of Bishops. Rather than a Bishop appointing a minister in the Church of Scotland, each parish insisted their own elders had the right to call a minister. A Church ruled by elders rather than by a bishop is at the heart of Presbyterianism.
Therefore, the name Greyfriars connects us not simply to a church in Edinburgh, but to a spiritual heritage of freedom in worship, governed by local elders and to the heart of Christian service seen in Francis of Assisi and the mission of the Grey Friars who sought to serve God by settling in Edinburgh. In light of this let us worship with the freedom God has given us and dedicate ourselves to serve Him.
God bless you
John Malcolm
My bible reading today revealed two attitudes towards worship. In the Old Testament story when the ark (a symbol of God’s presence and promise) was brought into Jerusalem, King David danced in joyful worship while his wife Michal despised him for it. David was lost in wonder, love and praise, focused on God and not really thinking about appearances. Whereas Michal, rather than taking part was watching from afar, and was not worshipping God. She had little capacity for worship. The study guide asked the questions, What stimulates you to worship God from the heart? And, How can you develop your capacity for worship?
David had developed his capacity for worship. He wrote many Psalms of praise which were used in worship. He looked deep into the human soul and expressed his faith with rich language and images. How can we, like David, develop our capacity for worship?
Learn more about who God is and what God is like
We can do this by spending time reading the bible and praying. Many of David’s Psalms help us to glimpse the majesty and greatness of God’s being. He often writes of God’s loving kindness, pure holiness and His blessings to us.
Consider what God has done for you
Think about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and all the benefits we receive from this, salvation, forgiveness, new life … and you can add all those personal experiences which have enriched you spiritually. In addition, share your story with others and listen to their story of faith. In this way we encourage one another and inspire each other to worship God.
Reflect on what God has created
Take a moment to dwell on the wonder of life, the vastness of the universe and the minuteness of the particles from which it is made. We are taught that God’s eternal power and divine nature can be seen and understood from the creation he has made (Rom 1:20).
Find your way of worshiping God
Perhaps for you it is in practical service, honouring God with your time, energy and skills. Those who prepare the PowerPoint and who oversee the audio-visual equipment facilitate worship for those on the livestream and those in the church building.
It could be that you find your deepest expression of worship by crafting words and writing poetry. Perhaps in our age it is writing lyrics for a song. Poetic images can stir our souls, giving us words to use in prayer and worship.
Our worship may be most easily expressed in music and song, uniting voices in praise on a Sunday morning or joining the choir to hone your musical offering. Such praise is common throughout the bible as we find echoed in the words of Paul who encourages us to speak … “to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,” (Ephesians 5:19)
You may worship through the arts, tapestry, painting, or sculpting. In the Old Testament Bezalel was chosen by God to oversee the making of items used in worship because he was skilled … “to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts.” (Exodus 31:4–5) Icons, paintings, and stained-glass windows have given inspiration to the faithful. This was especially true in times of high illiteracy, when few could read, but a picture could paint a thousand words.
Even if you are not artistic yourself nor musical, the art of others, the songs they have written may act as a springboard into praise. It is interesting that so many artists produce religious works and how these can inspire our praise to God whose handiwork we see in the creation around us.
Perhaps David's most expressive Psalm of praise is Ps 145, “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.” (Psalm 145:1–2) Take a few minutes to read the whole Psalm, inviting God to inspire you to praise and worship through it.
God bless you
John Malcolm
(PS Thank you to all who contribute to the life of our church so that our church family may worship together each Sunday morning.)
David had developed his capacity for worship. He wrote many Psalms of praise which were used in worship. He looked deep into the human soul and expressed his faith with rich language and images. How can we, like David, develop our capacity for worship?
Learn more about who God is and what God is like
We can do this by spending time reading the bible and praying. Many of David’s Psalms help us to glimpse the majesty and greatness of God’s being. He often writes of God’s loving kindness, pure holiness and His blessings to us.
Consider what God has done for you
Think about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and all the benefits we receive from this, salvation, forgiveness, new life … and you can add all those personal experiences which have enriched you spiritually. In addition, share your story with others and listen to their story of faith. In this way we encourage one another and inspire each other to worship God.
Reflect on what God has created
Take a moment to dwell on the wonder of life, the vastness of the universe and the minuteness of the particles from which it is made. We are taught that God’s eternal power and divine nature can be seen and understood from the creation he has made (Rom 1:20).
Find your way of worshiping God
Perhaps for you it is in practical service, honouring God with your time, energy and skills. Those who prepare the PowerPoint and who oversee the audio-visual equipment facilitate worship for those on the livestream and those in the church building.
It could be that you find your deepest expression of worship by crafting words and writing poetry. Perhaps in our age it is writing lyrics for a song. Poetic images can stir our souls, giving us words to use in prayer and worship.
Our worship may be most easily expressed in music and song, uniting voices in praise on a Sunday morning or joining the choir to hone your musical offering. Such praise is common throughout the bible as we find echoed in the words of Paul who encourages us to speak … “to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,” (Ephesians 5:19)
You may worship through the arts, tapestry, painting, or sculpting. In the Old Testament Bezalel was chosen by God to oversee the making of items used in worship because he was skilled … “to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts.” (Exodus 31:4–5) Icons, paintings, and stained-glass windows have given inspiration to the faithful. This was especially true in times of high illiteracy, when few could read, but a picture could paint a thousand words.
Even if you are not artistic yourself nor musical, the art of others, the songs they have written may act as a springboard into praise. It is interesting that so many artists produce religious works and how these can inspire our praise to God whose handiwork we see in the creation around us.
Perhaps David's most expressive Psalm of praise is Ps 145, “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.” (Psalm 145:1–2) Take a few minutes to read the whole Psalm, inviting God to inspire you to praise and worship through it.
God bless you
John Malcolm
(PS Thank you to all who contribute to the life of our church so that our church family may worship together each Sunday morning.)
may 2024 the birth of the church
Last October my family and I waited anxiously as our twin granddaughers decided to arrive eleven weeks early. They were born safely, were given excellent medical care, and were soon wrapped up in the love of their mum and dad. As doting grandparents, Melanie and I love receiving photos or videos of them, seeing how they are growing.
Babies change so quickly. They grow, put on weight, begin to respond to their parents, start to wriggle with purpose, soon rolling over, tentatively begin to crawl, pull themselves up on the furniture and before too long take their first steps.
Soon we will be celebrating the “birthday” of the church, Pentecost Sunday. When Jesus was about to ascend into heaven, he told his disciples to wait on the gift of the Holy Spirit. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’” (Acts 1:8) And in the book of Acts, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.’” (Luke 24:49) Its as if between the ascension and Pentecost there was a pregnant pause, with the disciples waiting for Jesus’ promise to be fulfilled.
I heard someone joke, I feel sorry for batteries – who are not included. For a moment in time, it was as if the church was like a gift ready to go, but without the batteries to power it. The church was on the verge of life but needed God’s empowering Spirit to energise it.
We read of the Holy Spirit coming. “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:1–4)
I enjoy the celebration of Pentecost as it marks the era of the Holy Spirit empowered church, our era, our time in spiritual history. It marks the change between going to the temple to meet with God, to having God filling our lives so Paul can write,
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives among you? … for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.” (1 Corinthians 3:16–17) How marvellous, that God dwells in us by His Spirit!
And so, the church began to explore what this means. What difference should it make when we have the fruit of the Spirit growing within us? How are we to understand the spiritual gifts of the Spirit, discovering which gifts we may have and how we are to use them? It has been said, Not enough Spirit – we dry up! Too much Spirit – we blow up! Just the right Spirit – we grow up! I think that is a bit of rough and ready, perhaps dodgy theology but I have seen dry churches that ignore the Holy Spirit, while others have blown up over differences in understanding the Spirit. Our aim is to be a spiritually healthy church, inspired, directed and led by the Holy Spirit.
I invite you to begin reading the book of Acts, and as you do to notice the difference the coming of the Holy Spirit made to the church. We will celebrate Pentecost on Sunday 19 May and begin exploring the gifts and empowering of the Spirit.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Babies change so quickly. They grow, put on weight, begin to respond to their parents, start to wriggle with purpose, soon rolling over, tentatively begin to crawl, pull themselves up on the furniture and before too long take their first steps.
Soon we will be celebrating the “birthday” of the church, Pentecost Sunday. When Jesus was about to ascend into heaven, he told his disciples to wait on the gift of the Holy Spirit. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’” (Acts 1:8) And in the book of Acts, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.’” (Luke 24:49) Its as if between the ascension and Pentecost there was a pregnant pause, with the disciples waiting for Jesus’ promise to be fulfilled.
I heard someone joke, I feel sorry for batteries – who are not included. For a moment in time, it was as if the church was like a gift ready to go, but without the batteries to power it. The church was on the verge of life but needed God’s empowering Spirit to energise it.
We read of the Holy Spirit coming. “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:1–4)
I enjoy the celebration of Pentecost as it marks the era of the Holy Spirit empowered church, our era, our time in spiritual history. It marks the change between going to the temple to meet with God, to having God filling our lives so Paul can write,
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives among you? … for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.” (1 Corinthians 3:16–17) How marvellous, that God dwells in us by His Spirit!
And so, the church began to explore what this means. What difference should it make when we have the fruit of the Spirit growing within us? How are we to understand the spiritual gifts of the Spirit, discovering which gifts we may have and how we are to use them? It has been said, Not enough Spirit – we dry up! Too much Spirit – we blow up! Just the right Spirit – we grow up! I think that is a bit of rough and ready, perhaps dodgy theology but I have seen dry churches that ignore the Holy Spirit, while others have blown up over differences in understanding the Spirit. Our aim is to be a spiritually healthy church, inspired, directed and led by the Holy Spirit.
I invite you to begin reading the book of Acts, and as you do to notice the difference the coming of the Holy Spirit made to the church. We will celebrate Pentecost on Sunday 19 May and begin exploring the gifts and empowering of the Spirit.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14)
God bless you
John Malcolm
april 2024 carried by the father
I was moved by my devotional reading today in which Moses reminded the people of Israel of God’s presence, “There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.” (Deuteronomy 1:31). This caused me to reflect on my life, to consider how God has led me to this place and to this moment. It warms my heart to think of God as a father who carries his children.
We learn the people of Israel were slow to believe, reluctant to follow and quick to disobey God. It is not only these people who have such sinful traits. At times I find my own actions and attitudes revealed in their story. Moses taught, that despite their wayward hearts, their heavenly father was carrying them, “… and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27).
Often as I awake, I hold up my hand, symbolically taking God’s hand to walk through the day with him. At times in prayer, I ask God to lift me on his shoulders, so I may see more clearly the path he has set before me, the direction he wants me to take, and to notice what he points out to me as important. I aspire to this, starting with the right intentions, but facing challenges, distractions, and temptations, I find myself drifting so by the end of the day I seem to have lost my direction in the fog of life.
The good news of the gospel is, while I fail to keep hold of God’s hand, there is one who never failed. Jesus began each day in the will of God, followed God throughout the day and when his head hit the pillow, he had fulfilled all God desired from him. Jesus was able to do what you and I can’t, to live the truly godly life that pleases God. God the Father confirmed this at Jesus baptism saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17). Jesus walked with God, even when his soul was overwhelmed in the garden of Gethsemane where he prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39). He continued to walk in the will of God, even when burdened by the cross. And then, knowing he had completed God’s will, he cried out from the cross with his final breath, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46).
Jesus lived the godly life, the Son who perfectly pleased his heavenly Father and so opened the way for us to become children of God. This blessing is ours as a gift bestowed on us by God. This is grace for the broken, the weary and disgraced. Grace for the hopeless, the troubled and ashamed. You may have let go of his hand, stumbled in sin, strayed from his voice, even so, through Jesus he extends his arm to carry you as a father carries his child. As Jesus explained in the parable, when the good shepherd found the lost sheep, he carried it on his shoulders and went home rejoicing. (Luke 15.5)
I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the following verse and allow God to speak to you: “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:4)
God bless you
John Malcolm
We learn the people of Israel were slow to believe, reluctant to follow and quick to disobey God. It is not only these people who have such sinful traits. At times I find my own actions and attitudes revealed in their story. Moses taught, that despite their wayward hearts, their heavenly father was carrying them, “… and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27).
Often as I awake, I hold up my hand, symbolically taking God’s hand to walk through the day with him. At times in prayer, I ask God to lift me on his shoulders, so I may see more clearly the path he has set before me, the direction he wants me to take, and to notice what he points out to me as important. I aspire to this, starting with the right intentions, but facing challenges, distractions, and temptations, I find myself drifting so by the end of the day I seem to have lost my direction in the fog of life.
The good news of the gospel is, while I fail to keep hold of God’s hand, there is one who never failed. Jesus began each day in the will of God, followed God throughout the day and when his head hit the pillow, he had fulfilled all God desired from him. Jesus was able to do what you and I can’t, to live the truly godly life that pleases God. God the Father confirmed this at Jesus baptism saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17). Jesus walked with God, even when his soul was overwhelmed in the garden of Gethsemane where he prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39). He continued to walk in the will of God, even when burdened by the cross. And then, knowing he had completed God’s will, he cried out from the cross with his final breath, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46).
Jesus lived the godly life, the Son who perfectly pleased his heavenly Father and so opened the way for us to become children of God. This blessing is ours as a gift bestowed on us by God. This is grace for the broken, the weary and disgraced. Grace for the hopeless, the troubled and ashamed. You may have let go of his hand, stumbled in sin, strayed from his voice, even so, through Jesus he extends his arm to carry you as a father carries his child. As Jesus explained in the parable, when the good shepherd found the lost sheep, he carried it on his shoulders and went home rejoicing. (Luke 15.5)
I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the following verse and allow God to speak to you: “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:4)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Discipleship is a reordering of our loves!
I wonder what you think of this statement. Does it ring true for you? It is not what first comes to mind when I am asked to define discipleship. Perhaps that is why it made me stop, think and later purchase the book the idea was taken from (Jamie Bester* quoting from You Are What You Love by James K.A. Smith).
I generally define discipleship as it relates to the disciplines of prayer, worship and bible study which help us mature as followers of Christ. I suppose the clue to thinking differently may have been in plain sight as Jesus said, ‘A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’” (John 13:34–35) While bible study is important, Jesus didn’t say, “people will know you are my disciples if you attend a regular bible study”. Rather discipleship was revealed as they loved one another. Commanding this, Jesus called them and us to reorder our loves. If we are to truly be disciples of Jesus, then love for one another suddenly goes higher up the list of things we love.
Apply this idea to the central doctrine of the Old Testament which Jesus underlined saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’” (Matthew 22:37–40). Notice all the law does not “hang on” obeying God, but on loving God and neighbour. Here Jesus ranks the love for God as first and greatest, while love for neighbour comes second. If you look at the Ten Commandments you will see that the first four point to how we are to love God and the next six relate to how we are to love those around us.
Consider when Jesus reinstated Peter asking, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’” (John 21:15) Jesus was asking Peter, where among the things you love, is your love for me? Or reflect for a moment on Paul’s view of godly actions that are devoid of love. “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:2) Without love, I am nothing. We find an example of a church running low on love at Ephesus. While Jesus commended them for their hard work and perseverance, nevertheless he warned them “Yet I hold this against you: you have forsaken the love you had at first.” (Revelation 2:4) Their work and perseverance were empty because they had lost their first love. Their loves had become disordered.
There is so much more that could be said from the bible about love which would enlighten our thinking, but even the little I mention here is enough to at least spur us to consider discipleship as a reordering of our loves. Have you ever considered how you rank the things you love, what you put first and give priority to? Every decision we make is at some level based on the ranking of our loves.
I invite you to take a moment to consider: which love do you rank highest? Which love has most influence on what you choose? If sin is fundamentally disordered love - putting something else above our love for God - how might you address that?
Finally, as we approach Easter consider how God’s ranking of love is revealed to us in Jesus, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God bless you
John Malcolm
* Jamie Bester from City to City was the keynote speaker at the recent Presbytery conference.
I wonder what you think of this statement. Does it ring true for you? It is not what first comes to mind when I am asked to define discipleship. Perhaps that is why it made me stop, think and later purchase the book the idea was taken from (Jamie Bester* quoting from You Are What You Love by James K.A. Smith).
I generally define discipleship as it relates to the disciplines of prayer, worship and bible study which help us mature as followers of Christ. I suppose the clue to thinking differently may have been in plain sight as Jesus said, ‘A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’” (John 13:34–35) While bible study is important, Jesus didn’t say, “people will know you are my disciples if you attend a regular bible study”. Rather discipleship was revealed as they loved one another. Commanding this, Jesus called them and us to reorder our loves. If we are to truly be disciples of Jesus, then love for one another suddenly goes higher up the list of things we love.
Apply this idea to the central doctrine of the Old Testament which Jesus underlined saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’” (Matthew 22:37–40). Notice all the law does not “hang on” obeying God, but on loving God and neighbour. Here Jesus ranks the love for God as first and greatest, while love for neighbour comes second. If you look at the Ten Commandments you will see that the first four point to how we are to love God and the next six relate to how we are to love those around us.
Consider when Jesus reinstated Peter asking, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’” (John 21:15) Jesus was asking Peter, where among the things you love, is your love for me? Or reflect for a moment on Paul’s view of godly actions that are devoid of love. “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:2) Without love, I am nothing. We find an example of a church running low on love at Ephesus. While Jesus commended them for their hard work and perseverance, nevertheless he warned them “Yet I hold this against you: you have forsaken the love you had at first.” (Revelation 2:4) Their work and perseverance were empty because they had lost their first love. Their loves had become disordered.
There is so much more that could be said from the bible about love which would enlighten our thinking, but even the little I mention here is enough to at least spur us to consider discipleship as a reordering of our loves. Have you ever considered how you rank the things you love, what you put first and give priority to? Every decision we make is at some level based on the ranking of our loves.
I invite you to take a moment to consider: which love do you rank highest? Which love has most influence on what you choose? If sin is fundamentally disordered love - putting something else above our love for God - how might you address that?
Finally, as we approach Easter consider how God’s ranking of love is revealed to us in Jesus, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God bless you
John Malcolm
* Jamie Bester from City to City was the keynote speaker at the recent Presbytery conference.
february 2024 SHINE
The recent run of warm weather means most of us have been able to enjoy the summer break and have time to relax. Now however, schools are opening, traffic is slowing and sadly for most the holiday season is behind us.
Our church year began brightly with the Under the Sea holiday programme. Around fifty children attended. We repeated the typical scenario of children reluctantly registered for a day, who at day's end were begging their parents to register them for longer. During the programme they learned about Jonah, Noah, Jesus and more. This was a significant ministry to start the year.
As the new year dawns, I have a growing sense of anticipation; looking forward to catching up on the church family as many return with stories of holiday adventures; the joy of gathering with you to praise God and to again engage shoulder to shoulder in our mission and ministries. Last Sunday I shared our 2023 highlights, each of these a spotlight on the events, ministries, or activities in our church life. These highlights remind me of God’s work in our recent past and encourages me as I look to the near future.
It occurred to me recently, that we are encouraging and nurturing a younger generation who are interested in overseas mission. Both Judy and Viola feel God’s call in this direction. Viola is applying to go on a short-term trip and William Varley has just returned from Bangladesh. I am in awe of God who, as some of our faithful missionaries approach “retirement”, is raising up a new generation so we can continue being a “sending” church.
As I write this, I am aware there are points of heightened conflict in the world that I could be addressing. I am not overlooking these; indeed, I am prayerfully lifting them to God asking for a just peace and shared prosperity in our world.
I am confident many of you are also praying about this. Rather than focus on these troubles I want to suggest a possible response from our church family.
When darkness threatens to envelop us, it is important that we shine more brightly. As we shine like a light on a hill, we may act as a beacon helping those who are lost find the safety of God’s love. To that end remember to pray for each other and the people in our wider community. Pray we may find creative ways to share the good news of Jesus and to express his love in practical ways. Doing this we may shine all the more brightly, fulfilling what Paul wrote, “Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” (Philippians 2:15–16)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Our church year began brightly with the Under the Sea holiday programme. Around fifty children attended. We repeated the typical scenario of children reluctantly registered for a day, who at day's end were begging their parents to register them for longer. During the programme they learned about Jonah, Noah, Jesus and more. This was a significant ministry to start the year.
As the new year dawns, I have a growing sense of anticipation; looking forward to catching up on the church family as many return with stories of holiday adventures; the joy of gathering with you to praise God and to again engage shoulder to shoulder in our mission and ministries. Last Sunday I shared our 2023 highlights, each of these a spotlight on the events, ministries, or activities in our church life. These highlights remind me of God’s work in our recent past and encourages me as I look to the near future.
It occurred to me recently, that we are encouraging and nurturing a younger generation who are interested in overseas mission. Both Judy and Viola feel God’s call in this direction. Viola is applying to go on a short-term trip and William Varley has just returned from Bangladesh. I am in awe of God who, as some of our faithful missionaries approach “retirement”, is raising up a new generation so we can continue being a “sending” church.
As I write this, I am aware there are points of heightened conflict in the world that I could be addressing. I am not overlooking these; indeed, I am prayerfully lifting them to God asking for a just peace and shared prosperity in our world.
I am confident many of you are also praying about this. Rather than focus on these troubles I want to suggest a possible response from our church family.
When darkness threatens to envelop us, it is important that we shine more brightly. As we shine like a light on a hill, we may act as a beacon helping those who are lost find the safety of God’s love. To that end remember to pray for each other and the people in our wider community. Pray we may find creative ways to share the good news of Jesus and to express his love in practical ways. Doing this we may shine all the more brightly, fulfilling what Paul wrote, “Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” (Philippians 2:15–16)
God bless you
John Malcolm
december 2023 the old, old story
The nativity story warms my heart and nourishes my spirit. It is a familiar story, an old story whose characters I know well. The season comes around every year, but not a new season updated for a modern audience. Rather it takes the modern audience back to the trusted and true, the faithful and reliable news of a baby born for us.
A hymn from the 1800’s has the refrain, Tell me the old, old story of Jesus and his love. If it was an old story two hundred years ago, it is certainly older now. In that lies its strength. For generations, even centuries, this old, old story has touched the hearts of old and young, changing lives, giving strength and comfort.
The simple truth is, For you Jesus has been born.
The angel announced, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” (Luke 2:10). Good news for all people, in all generations. It may be old news, but it is exceedingly good news. It may be old news, but it brings new life to those who hear it and trust in the baby who was born.
As we come to this season again, open your heart, your mind and soul to this good news. Allow the anticipation of Advent to bring the story to you afresh as the great themes of hope, joy, peace and love wash over you, refreshing your spirit.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
May you have a blessed and wonderful Christmas
John Malcolm
A hymn from the 1800’s has the refrain, Tell me the old, old story of Jesus and his love. If it was an old story two hundred years ago, it is certainly older now. In that lies its strength. For generations, even centuries, this old, old story has touched the hearts of old and young, changing lives, giving strength and comfort.
The simple truth is, For you Jesus has been born.
The angel announced, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” (Luke 2:10). Good news for all people, in all generations. It may be old news, but it is exceedingly good news. It may be old news, but it brings new life to those who hear it and trust in the baby who was born.
As we come to this season again, open your heart, your mind and soul to this good news. Allow the anticipation of Advent to bring the story to you afresh as the great themes of hope, joy, peace and love wash over you, refreshing your spirit.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
May you have a blessed and wonderful Christmas
John Malcolm
november 2023 love your neighbour and love your enemy
While not forgetting the continual suffering in the Ukraine, we must now also hold the people of Gaza and Israel in our prayers. Spurred on by the love of God, we should pray for people on both sides of the conflict and for those caught in the middle.
All people are made in the image of God. While our world, and we ourselves, are broken and fractured by sin in its many forms, we are all made by God and for God, thus in our common humanity we should pray for all.
Our love for God cannot be separated from the command to love our neighbour as ourselves. Both the people of Israel and the people of Gaza are our neighbours. We should be prayerful for and sympathetic towards both keeping in mind the atrocities each has suffered. We should also consider the words of Jesus, “‘You have heard that it was said, “Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:43–45) A sign of being a child of God is to pray even for our enemies. Therefore, wherever our sympathies may lie, we should pray for all caught up in this conflict.
We should be careful not to identify a terrorist group, Hamas, with all the people of Gaza as if all are equally guilty and therefore all should be equally punished. We should also be careful not to approve of any anti-Semitic thoughts or behaviours as if all Israelis can collectively be blamed, victimised or persecuted.
As Christians we respect Judaism, acknowledging our Saviour was born a Jew, and that the ancient history of Israel is marked by the hand of God. But we must be careful not to conflate the modern secular state of Israel with the ancient people we read of in the Old Testament. Even in ancient times the people of Israel and Judah transgressed against God, the ten northern tribes being dispersed by the Assyrians, and the two southern tribes being taken into exile by the Babylonians. Later still, Old Testament prophets foretold Israel’s fate if they wandered from God. Even Jesus prophesied about the fall of the Temple, an event which took place when the Romans destroyed it in 70AD causing many to flee Judea and settle in other countries. By faith we recognise that somehow in all this the sovereign will of God is being worked out and will in the end culminate with the return of Christ, at a time only God knows. But we should not take this to mean God approves of the violence of humanity or unjust suffering of any people or nation.
Their troubled history does not excuse Israel of their responsibility to act justly and with mercy. Even in the face of such awful provocation, if anything it requires them to be more understanding. Should not a people who have suffered so much, losing their temple, their land, being dispersed among the nations, being reviled and mistreated to the dreadful extent of the Holocaust, be a people who determine not to treat others as they have been treated? We would implore them with the words of Jesus, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)
The cycle of hatred and violence can only be broken, terrorists and extremists be disempowered, if people humble themselves and pray, especially to pray for their enemies and to seek good for them. I invite you then to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, of Gaza, of the world and of all peoples.
“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” (1 Peter 3:9)
God bless you
John Malcolm
All people are made in the image of God. While our world, and we ourselves, are broken and fractured by sin in its many forms, we are all made by God and for God, thus in our common humanity we should pray for all.
Our love for God cannot be separated from the command to love our neighbour as ourselves. Both the people of Israel and the people of Gaza are our neighbours. We should be prayerful for and sympathetic towards both keeping in mind the atrocities each has suffered. We should also consider the words of Jesus, “‘You have heard that it was said, “Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:43–45) A sign of being a child of God is to pray even for our enemies. Therefore, wherever our sympathies may lie, we should pray for all caught up in this conflict.
We should be careful not to identify a terrorist group, Hamas, with all the people of Gaza as if all are equally guilty and therefore all should be equally punished. We should also be careful not to approve of any anti-Semitic thoughts or behaviours as if all Israelis can collectively be blamed, victimised or persecuted.
As Christians we respect Judaism, acknowledging our Saviour was born a Jew, and that the ancient history of Israel is marked by the hand of God. But we must be careful not to conflate the modern secular state of Israel with the ancient people we read of in the Old Testament. Even in ancient times the people of Israel and Judah transgressed against God, the ten northern tribes being dispersed by the Assyrians, and the two southern tribes being taken into exile by the Babylonians. Later still, Old Testament prophets foretold Israel’s fate if they wandered from God. Even Jesus prophesied about the fall of the Temple, an event which took place when the Romans destroyed it in 70AD causing many to flee Judea and settle in other countries. By faith we recognise that somehow in all this the sovereign will of God is being worked out and will in the end culminate with the return of Christ, at a time only God knows. But we should not take this to mean God approves of the violence of humanity or unjust suffering of any people or nation.
Their troubled history does not excuse Israel of their responsibility to act justly and with mercy. Even in the face of such awful provocation, if anything it requires them to be more understanding. Should not a people who have suffered so much, losing their temple, their land, being dispersed among the nations, being reviled and mistreated to the dreadful extent of the Holocaust, be a people who determine not to treat others as they have been treated? We would implore them with the words of Jesus, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)
The cycle of hatred and violence can only be broken, terrorists and extremists be disempowered, if people humble themselves and pray, especially to pray for their enemies and to seek good for them. I invite you then to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, of Gaza, of the world and of all peoples.
“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” (1 Peter 3:9)
God bless you
John Malcolm
This week I was at a conference where I caught up with friends in ministry. One asked how things were going at church, and I felt my heart stir as I replied, I think we have turned a corner. I had several brief conversations with others in ministry and it seems many have walked a path similar to ours in recent years, some facing greater hardships with strong divisions in the church. Listening and talking, I had a sense from God, that we at Greyfriars have turned a corner.
Of course, I always feel lighter in heart at the beginning of spring and especially with daylight saving. In addition to this, I feel we have emerged into a new era of church life. I sense your faithfulness, the faith of our church family, as God held fast to us, has brought us safely through. We have learnt lessons about God and ourselves through a global pandemic which has changed mindsets, challenged governments, and tested the resilience of economies, health systems and social order. This is no small moment in world history and perhaps we need to ask is God doing a new thing. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18–19)
Rev Emma Keown, at the conference I mentioned said, “Grace changes everything”. This was like a dose of adrenaline to my soul, a reminder of the great truth of God’s riches poured upon us through the merciful sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This added impetus to my earlier thought, we have turned a corner. In the scriptures we are encouraged by the new things God has done and is doing, giving a new heart and a new spirit, inspiring a new song, with a newborn king who would give us a new commandment, and who said Behold I make all things new.(Revelation 21.5)
I am encouraged with the “Go for Gold” holiday programme that is on this week, with an average of 53 children attending each day. I am encouraged to have Judy Ma working with us, sharing her passion for the Lord, her creativity and her skills. I am encouraged, not simply with the increasing attendance at ESOL, but especially with the warmth of community being developed among the group. I am also encouraged to see new people visiting, some joining our church, not to mention the encouragement I find each week uniting with our longstanding members in worship each Sunday. I hope you also are encouraged to see all this and to perceive what God is doing among us!
God bless you
John Malcolm
Of course, I always feel lighter in heart at the beginning of spring and especially with daylight saving. In addition to this, I feel we have emerged into a new era of church life. I sense your faithfulness, the faith of our church family, as God held fast to us, has brought us safely through. We have learnt lessons about God and ourselves through a global pandemic which has changed mindsets, challenged governments, and tested the resilience of economies, health systems and social order. This is no small moment in world history and perhaps we need to ask is God doing a new thing. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18–19)
Rev Emma Keown, at the conference I mentioned said, “Grace changes everything”. This was like a dose of adrenaline to my soul, a reminder of the great truth of God’s riches poured upon us through the merciful sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This added impetus to my earlier thought, we have turned a corner. In the scriptures we are encouraged by the new things God has done and is doing, giving a new heart and a new spirit, inspiring a new song, with a newborn king who would give us a new commandment, and who said Behold I make all things new.(Revelation 21.5)
I am encouraged with the “Go for Gold” holiday programme that is on this week, with an average of 53 children attending each day. I am encouraged to have Judy Ma working with us, sharing her passion for the Lord, her creativity and her skills. I am encouraged, not simply with the increasing attendance at ESOL, but especially with the warmth of community being developed among the group. I am also encouraged to see new people visiting, some joining our church, not to mention the encouragement I find each week uniting with our longstanding members in worship each Sunday. I hope you also are encouraged to see all this and to perceive what God is doing among us!
God bless you
John Malcolm
september 2023 humpty dumpty people
Have you ever felt like Humpty Dumpty, broken, and struggling to pick up the pieces?
I never expected Humpty Dumpty to turn up in a book on Christian leadership. In The Flourishing Pastor, Tom Nelson uses this image to describe the broken people of our world and their deep longing for wholeness. He writes; We find ourselves immersed in the messy middle of broken, Humpty Dumpty friendships; Humpty Dumpty marriages; Humpty Dumpty families; Humpty Dumpty illnesses; Humpty Dumpty addictions; Humpty Dumpty workplaces and Humpty Dumpty finances. He notes, in the heartache of brokenness we long to be put back together again. The problem in the nursery rhyme is once Humpty Dumpty falls and is broken, then all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
I wonder if this is a helpful way of thinking. It is hard to deny the brokenness in the world around us. The cracks in the shell of civilization seem to have been accentuated in recent times. Sadly, there are too many examples of brokenness, both nationally and internationally, to address. The solution to such deep-seated issues eludes us. It seems despite all our human efforts we are unable to put this “Humpty” together again.
The moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God is referred to as the fall. This was humanity’s Humpty Dumpty moment. The fall caused the world to be broken beyond our ability to repair it. Bob Dylan sang an anthem of brokenness that is worth listening to … “Everything is broken. Seems like every time you stop and turn around, something else just hit the ground”. The first fall in Genesis set off a domino effect of brokenness spreading everywhere, to everyone.
Wonderfully, what Humpty Dumpty’s king could not do, our King can! He became broken so we could be made whole. His brokenness made it possible for the cascade of brokenness to be interrupted, halted, and healed. Jesus never discards us like a broken toy rather his desire is to heal the broken. “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.” (Isaiah 42:3) Isaiah goes on to say God will not falter or be discouraged in this task. Our brokenness will be totally healed with the coming of the new heaven and new earth. And until that time King Jesus brings wholeness as his kingdom advances in our lives. King Jesus can put broken lives together again. He brings forgiveness, heals the sick, and lifts the lowly. Jesus gives hope, and shapes purposeful futures for those who call on his name.
Imagine the world applying the teaching of Jesus, in which enemies love rather than hate each other. Or where people seek the best for others and put the interests of others first. Consider a world where people find justice, where grievances are addressed and resolved. As the Kingdom of God comes among us the lives of individuals, families and even nations can change.
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
May God bless you and heal your brokenness.
John Malcolm
Further reading: God mends broken things (David McLemore)
I never expected Humpty Dumpty to turn up in a book on Christian leadership. In The Flourishing Pastor, Tom Nelson uses this image to describe the broken people of our world and their deep longing for wholeness. He writes; We find ourselves immersed in the messy middle of broken, Humpty Dumpty friendships; Humpty Dumpty marriages; Humpty Dumpty families; Humpty Dumpty illnesses; Humpty Dumpty addictions; Humpty Dumpty workplaces and Humpty Dumpty finances. He notes, in the heartache of brokenness we long to be put back together again. The problem in the nursery rhyme is once Humpty Dumpty falls and is broken, then all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
I wonder if this is a helpful way of thinking. It is hard to deny the brokenness in the world around us. The cracks in the shell of civilization seem to have been accentuated in recent times. Sadly, there are too many examples of brokenness, both nationally and internationally, to address. The solution to such deep-seated issues eludes us. It seems despite all our human efforts we are unable to put this “Humpty” together again.
The moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God is referred to as the fall. This was humanity’s Humpty Dumpty moment. The fall caused the world to be broken beyond our ability to repair it. Bob Dylan sang an anthem of brokenness that is worth listening to … “Everything is broken. Seems like every time you stop and turn around, something else just hit the ground”. The first fall in Genesis set off a domino effect of brokenness spreading everywhere, to everyone.
Wonderfully, what Humpty Dumpty’s king could not do, our King can! He became broken so we could be made whole. His brokenness made it possible for the cascade of brokenness to be interrupted, halted, and healed. Jesus never discards us like a broken toy rather his desire is to heal the broken. “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out.” (Isaiah 42:3) Isaiah goes on to say God will not falter or be discouraged in this task. Our brokenness will be totally healed with the coming of the new heaven and new earth. And until that time King Jesus brings wholeness as his kingdom advances in our lives. King Jesus can put broken lives together again. He brings forgiveness, heals the sick, and lifts the lowly. Jesus gives hope, and shapes purposeful futures for those who call on his name.
Imagine the world applying the teaching of Jesus, in which enemies love rather than hate each other. Or where people seek the best for others and put the interests of others first. Consider a world where people find justice, where grievances are addressed and resolved. As the Kingdom of God comes among us the lives of individuals, families and even nations can change.
“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
May God bless you and heal your brokenness.
John Malcolm
Further reading: God mends broken things (David McLemore)
august 2023 our reason for hope
Why have you put your hope in Jesus Christ? The answer to this question may be as varied as the people answering it, but what is your answer?
The Apostle Peter once wrote, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)
Peter didn’t say it had to be a long, deep or complicated answer. He didn’t say we had to have an answer for every other question a person may have about Christianity. He didn’t tell us to give the answer to people who weren’t asking the question. However, he did make sure to remind us when we do answer to be gentle and respectful.
I invite you to give this some thought. It strengthens our assurance of faith when we can answer this to our own satisfaction. And it can help us answer a person who is interested enough to ask.
God bless you
John Malcolm
- There must be something more to life.
- I learned about Jesus as a child.
- The story of Jesus makes sense to me.
- I had a spiritual encounter with him.
- Without Jesus, life lacks meaning.
- The bible provides evidence that he was more than just a man.
- He appeared to me in a vision.
- When I was at a low ebb, he answered my prayer.
- He died for me.
- I tried to ignore him but found he would not ignore me.
- I just thought I would give him a try and haven’t regretted it.
The Apostle Peter once wrote, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)
Peter didn’t say it had to be a long, deep or complicated answer. He didn’t say we had to have an answer for every other question a person may have about Christianity. He didn’t tell us to give the answer to people who weren’t asking the question. However, he did make sure to remind us when we do answer to be gentle and respectful.
I invite you to give this some thought. It strengthens our assurance of faith when we can answer this to our own satisfaction. And it can help us answer a person who is interested enough to ask.
God bless you
John Malcolm
july 2023 life as it can be
I am reading an interesting book, with a view of life that has both challenged and encouraged me (The Flourishing Pastor – Tom Nelson 2021). It highlights four “biblical” views of life. Life as it ought to be, but which is lost to us. This was life in the garden of Eden before sin changed human existence. Life as it is, how we experience life today. Such life is a mixed blessing with the wonders of the earth around us, experiences of love and family, yet with the shadow of death, fallenness and the evils humanity inflicts upon itself. Life as it will be when Christ returns. A future life, when we are gathered to the throne of God and enjoy the blessings of the new heaven and the new earth.
It was the fourth view that piqued my interest, Life as it can be. This is life which is transformed by the redeeming work of Christ and the empowering of the Holy Spirit. It is life as it can be when the kingdom of God breaks into life as it is. Life as it is, with all its challenges, demands our attention. It constantly tugs at us devouring our time and energy. Life as it can be changes our focus, giving us a different perspective. I found this challenging wondering how often my feet were nailed to the floor of life as it is, and how often I was able to soar above it as I lived life as it can be.
Jesus not only saw life as it is, looking at the realities and struggles faced by the people of his day, he also saw life as it can be when the Kingdom of God draws near changing people’s hearts. He looked at a crowd through his kingdom perspective and saw a flock of lost people who needed compassion. He looked again and saw a harvest field; people who could flourish when the seed of the gospel grew to fruitfulness in their lives. Jesus wanted his disciples to see life as it can be and to share that with others. He sent them to villages and towns to proclaim the good news that the kingdom of heaven is near.
Life as it can be, is not life with rose tinted glasses denying the reality of life as it is. Rather it is allowing “life as it is” to be transformed by the power of the kingdom of God. It is to understand life can be different when we live with kingdom values. Life changes when we shine the light of Christ upon it. It changes when our priorities become more like those of Jesus. It becomes a “born again” life. Our circumstances may remain the same, but we are different, a new creation in Christ and therefore life becomes different, and we begin to live life as it can be.
I invite you to take a few moments to consider the difference between life as it is and life as it can be. What if you were able to approach an anxious situation with the peace of Christ to uphold you? What if you were to share your burden with Christ so he could give you rest? What if you were to find a way to love your enemies so that the sting was removed from the harm they intended and you were able to do them good? Then we might find ourselves living life as it can be.
I encourage you as individuals, families and as a church fellowship to follow Jesus and live life as it can be.
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
God bless you
John Malcolm
It was the fourth view that piqued my interest, Life as it can be. This is life which is transformed by the redeeming work of Christ and the empowering of the Holy Spirit. It is life as it can be when the kingdom of God breaks into life as it is. Life as it is, with all its challenges, demands our attention. It constantly tugs at us devouring our time and energy. Life as it can be changes our focus, giving us a different perspective. I found this challenging wondering how often my feet were nailed to the floor of life as it is, and how often I was able to soar above it as I lived life as it can be.
Jesus not only saw life as it is, looking at the realities and struggles faced by the people of his day, he also saw life as it can be when the Kingdom of God draws near changing people’s hearts. He looked at a crowd through his kingdom perspective and saw a flock of lost people who needed compassion. He looked again and saw a harvest field; people who could flourish when the seed of the gospel grew to fruitfulness in their lives. Jesus wanted his disciples to see life as it can be and to share that with others. He sent them to villages and towns to proclaim the good news that the kingdom of heaven is near.
Life as it can be, is not life with rose tinted glasses denying the reality of life as it is. Rather it is allowing “life as it is” to be transformed by the power of the kingdom of God. It is to understand life can be different when we live with kingdom values. Life changes when we shine the light of Christ upon it. It changes when our priorities become more like those of Jesus. It becomes a “born again” life. Our circumstances may remain the same, but we are different, a new creation in Christ and therefore life becomes different, and we begin to live life as it can be.
I invite you to take a few moments to consider the difference between life as it is and life as it can be. What if you were able to approach an anxious situation with the peace of Christ to uphold you? What if you were to share your burden with Christ so he could give you rest? What if you were to find a way to love your enemies so that the sting was removed from the harm they intended and you were able to do them good? Then we might find ourselves living life as it can be.
I encourage you as individuals, families and as a church fellowship to follow Jesus and live life as it can be.
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
God bless you
John Malcolm
june 2023 the way
As a sci-fi and Star Wars fan I have enjoyed watching the Disney series The Mandalorian. The main character, Mando is part of a tribe which follows "the ancient Way of the Mandalore. When the creed is said they all stand and affirm it saying, This is the Way. This piqued my interest because before Christians were called Christians, they were called followers of the Way. Not the Mandalorian way, but the way of Jesus.
We find this name for the disciples when Saul planned to go to Damascus “… so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.” (Acts 9:2) The Way is used a number of times in the book of Acts and we find it again when Paul appeared before Governor Felix admitting to being a follower of the Way. And we read of the governor, “Then Felix, who was well acquainted with the Way, adjourned the proceedings.” (Acts 24:22)
“The Way” was the earliest name given to followers of Jesus when they were considered to be a sect within Judaism. It wasn’t until Christianity began to spread among the Gentiles that the derogatory term “Christian” (little Christs) began to be used. “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26) It took a while for the term Christian to be used widely. In Acts it is only used twice, the preferred designation is followers of the Way.
We can easily see why Jesus’ disciples were called followers of the Way. Jesus made a significant and exclusive claim when he said, “… I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Saying this, Jesus boldly claimed to be the way to God. We also find this in Jesus’ teaching when he taught about the narrow way that leads to salvation. (Matthew 7:14) Peter proclaimed this on the day of Pentecost when he said of Jesus, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.’” (Acts 4:12)
Such an exclusive claim is problematic and offensive in a diverse culture. This has always been true. Paul had first-hand experience of this when the idol makers of Ephesus took offence at his teaching, seeing it as a threat to their way of life. We are told, “About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way.” (Acts 19:23). A riot ensued and the city was in an uproar because of Paul’s teaching. Once calm was restored Paul had to leave the city. It is no less true in our own day that teaching Jesus is the way, the only way to God, will often cause offence. We have no authority to water down the teaching of Jesus as if we might remove the offence of the cross. Peter suggests a way forward, Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)
Although it is not in common use today, as Christians we are still followers of the Way. We follow the teaching and commands of Jesus as we walk on the narrow way before us – “This is the Way”.
God bless you
John Malcolm
We find this name for the disciples when Saul planned to go to Damascus “… so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.” (Acts 9:2) The Way is used a number of times in the book of Acts and we find it again when Paul appeared before Governor Felix admitting to being a follower of the Way. And we read of the governor, “Then Felix, who was well acquainted with the Way, adjourned the proceedings.” (Acts 24:22)
“The Way” was the earliest name given to followers of Jesus when they were considered to be a sect within Judaism. It wasn’t until Christianity began to spread among the Gentiles that the derogatory term “Christian” (little Christs) began to be used. “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26) It took a while for the term Christian to be used widely. In Acts it is only used twice, the preferred designation is followers of the Way.
We can easily see why Jesus’ disciples were called followers of the Way. Jesus made a significant and exclusive claim when he said, “… I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Saying this, Jesus boldly claimed to be the way to God. We also find this in Jesus’ teaching when he taught about the narrow way that leads to salvation. (Matthew 7:14) Peter proclaimed this on the day of Pentecost when he said of Jesus, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.’” (Acts 4:12)
Such an exclusive claim is problematic and offensive in a diverse culture. This has always been true. Paul had first-hand experience of this when the idol makers of Ephesus took offence at his teaching, seeing it as a threat to their way of life. We are told, “About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way.” (Acts 19:23). A riot ensued and the city was in an uproar because of Paul’s teaching. Once calm was restored Paul had to leave the city. It is no less true in our own day that teaching Jesus is the way, the only way to God, will often cause offence. We have no authority to water down the teaching of Jesus as if we might remove the offence of the cross. Peter suggests a way forward, Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)
Although it is not in common use today, as Christians we are still followers of the Way. We follow the teaching and commands of Jesus as we walk on the narrow way before us – “This is the Way”.
God bless you
John Malcolm
may 2023 guilt or grace?
In a world of guilt and fear it is hard to switch to a heavenly mindset of grace and favour. Haven't read your Bible today - Guilt! Something gone wrong in your life - is God punishing me - Fear!
Guilt plus fear equals hesitancy to seek God. We feel embarrassed by our perceived lack of devotion and worry God will again be disappointed in us. It is as if we are living under the law where if we fail to pray or read the Bible God will punish us. Spiritual practices are not a matter of law, but of relationship. Jesus encouraged his disciples to abide in him and to abide in his love (John 15). One aspect of abiding in Jesus is to foster our spiritual practices.
We need to change our earthy mindset to a heavenly mindset. We need to adjust our thinking to work from grace and favour rather than from guilt and fear. The Bible and prayer are means of grace gifted to us because of God's favour towards us. God has not given them to us to burden us and increase our guilt. God provides these because he loves us. They are given so we may find spiritual strength and direction as they become our spiritual food and breath. Rather than being chains to weigh us down with guilt, they become a springboard into new heights of spiritual maturity.
I came across an article from the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity which points out spiritual practices of prayer and bible study benefit us by:
We intend to read the bible and pray, but then life gets in the way, the unexpected happens and we are thrown from our routine. The article suggests we use “cues” to help us. A cue might be a time, a place or an action that reminds us to abide in Christ and in his love. It could be a time of day we set aside to read the bible or a chair we regularly sit in when praying. I often do my bible reading when having my breakfast, and I have a chair in my study where I sit to pray. Perhaps you could pray as you wait for the kettle to boil or when you are waiting to pick up your cup of coffee. You could write a verse or some spiritual idea on a piece of paper then put it in your pocket or purse. Each time you put your hand in your pocket or open your purse you would feel or see the piece of paper and it would act as a cue to remind you of God’s love. There are many screensavers with bible verses that we could use. Then every time we open our phone we can be inspired by the verse or reminded to say a quick prayer.
If we can build these cues into our day, they act to remind and inspire us. Because we need to be intentional to develop spiritually, I invite you to consider how you personally incorporate prayer and Bible reading into your day.
God bless you
John Malcolm
Guilt plus fear equals hesitancy to seek God. We feel embarrassed by our perceived lack of devotion and worry God will again be disappointed in us. It is as if we are living under the law where if we fail to pray or read the Bible God will punish us. Spiritual practices are not a matter of law, but of relationship. Jesus encouraged his disciples to abide in him and to abide in his love (John 15). One aspect of abiding in Jesus is to foster our spiritual practices.
We need to change our earthy mindset to a heavenly mindset. We need to adjust our thinking to work from grace and favour rather than from guilt and fear. The Bible and prayer are means of grace gifted to us because of God's favour towards us. God has not given them to us to burden us and increase our guilt. God provides these because he loves us. They are given so we may find spiritual strength and direction as they become our spiritual food and breath. Rather than being chains to weigh us down with guilt, they become a springboard into new heights of spiritual maturity.
I came across an article from the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity which points out spiritual practices of prayer and bible study benefit us by:
- enhancing our relationship with God,
- shaping us from within, and
- enabling us to respond well to the people around us.
We intend to read the bible and pray, but then life gets in the way, the unexpected happens and we are thrown from our routine. The article suggests we use “cues” to help us. A cue might be a time, a place or an action that reminds us to abide in Christ and in his love. It could be a time of day we set aside to read the bible or a chair we regularly sit in when praying. I often do my bible reading when having my breakfast, and I have a chair in my study where I sit to pray. Perhaps you could pray as you wait for the kettle to boil or when you are waiting to pick up your cup of coffee. You could write a verse or some spiritual idea on a piece of paper then put it in your pocket or purse. Each time you put your hand in your pocket or open your purse you would feel or see the piece of paper and it would act as a cue to remind you of God’s love. There are many screensavers with bible verses that we could use. Then every time we open our phone we can be inspired by the verse or reminded to say a quick prayer.
If we can build these cues into our day, they act to remind and inspire us. Because we need to be intentional to develop spiritually, I invite you to consider how you personally incorporate prayer and Bible reading into your day.
God bless you
John Malcolm
My heart was warmed when I heard news of a gentle spiritual revival which began a couple of weeks ago at Asbury University in the USA. It grew out of an evening service when a handful of students remained to pray. One of the staff described what was happening, saying it was a quiet weeping and sobbing as people repented of their sin.
Whether or not this continues or spreads, those students will never forget the way the Holy Spirit moved among them as they prayed.
Repentance is a key feature in any revival or spiritual awakening. When God draws near in this way the very nature of his holiness, brings our sin into stark contrast and reminds us of our need for forgiveness. We see this in the life of Isaiah, who seeing a vision of God and angels singing Holy, Holy, Holy said, “‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.’ Seeing the holy presence of God, Isaiah was immediately struck by his own failings. He felt the weight of his sin, and sensed he was ruined, exposed and found wanting. Yet as the bible so often reveals, God is quick to forgive those who cry out to him. We read, Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’” (Isaiah 6:5–7)
Jesus highlighted the ministry of the Holy Spirit by teaching his disciples, “When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:” (John 16:8) Notice, he does not condemn us, but convicts us so we have opportunity to repent. The aim is to save us from our sin so we can know the joy of salvation and be changed to live a godly life.
In the last few weeks the Holy Spirit has been reminding me of the verse from Revelation where Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20) I pray this may be for us a season of revival and awakening, like that at Asbury University, where the Holy Spirit draws near and Jesus knocks firmly, even loudly at the door of the lives of our friends and neighbours.
Let us earnestly pray that revival and spiritual awakening may come among us and throughout the world. “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.” (Psalm 85:6–7)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Whether or not this continues or spreads, those students will never forget the way the Holy Spirit moved among them as they prayed.
Repentance is a key feature in any revival or spiritual awakening. When God draws near in this way the very nature of his holiness, brings our sin into stark contrast and reminds us of our need for forgiveness. We see this in the life of Isaiah, who seeing a vision of God and angels singing Holy, Holy, Holy said, “‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.’ Seeing the holy presence of God, Isaiah was immediately struck by his own failings. He felt the weight of his sin, and sensed he was ruined, exposed and found wanting. Yet as the bible so often reveals, God is quick to forgive those who cry out to him. We read, Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’” (Isaiah 6:5–7)
Jesus highlighted the ministry of the Holy Spirit by teaching his disciples, “When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:” (John 16:8) Notice, he does not condemn us, but convicts us so we have opportunity to repent. The aim is to save us from our sin so we can know the joy of salvation and be changed to live a godly life.
In the last few weeks the Holy Spirit has been reminding me of the verse from Revelation where Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20) I pray this may be for us a season of revival and awakening, like that at Asbury University, where the Holy Spirit draws near and Jesus knocks firmly, even loudly at the door of the lives of our friends and neighbours.
Let us earnestly pray that revival and spiritual awakening may come among us and throughout the world. “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.” (Psalm 85:6–7)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Love is the greatest motivator in the life of the church; love for God and love for our neighbours. The love of Christ inspires us.
The bible reminds us, God is love and We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:16 & 19) As I look back on my life I recall many experiences of God’s love for me. I remember the overwhelming sense of God’s love filling me when I was six years old; God’s love when as a young man I was crashed into by a drunk driver; and God’s love experienced among family and friends.
The Apostle Paul wrote, Christ’s love compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14). Having experienced God’s love for us, we find it compelling, not in a coercive sense, but with a sense of abounding joy and delight. It prompts us, pushes us, pulls us, and provides the strength to persevere in loving kindness towards others. God’s love tops up the tank of life, enough for us and enough to share with others. Love is the fuel that keeps us going. Love helps us discern how we can do good for people in our lives provides the strength to do it.
As the holidays come to an end, our church family returns to a new year of faith-life together. Underlying all we will do this year is our love for God and for our neighbours. I encourage you to join us at church as we celebrate the love of God, and to take part in the life of the church as we share God’s love with others.
We recognise that in Auckland, following the Covid lockdowns and now the extreme flooding, we and the people of our community need God’s love more than ever.
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1 John 4:11)
God bless you
John Malcolm
The bible reminds us, God is love and We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:16 & 19) As I look back on my life I recall many experiences of God’s love for me. I remember the overwhelming sense of God’s love filling me when I was six years old; God’s love when as a young man I was crashed into by a drunk driver; and God’s love experienced among family and friends.
The Apostle Paul wrote, Christ’s love compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14). Having experienced God’s love for us, we find it compelling, not in a coercive sense, but with a sense of abounding joy and delight. It prompts us, pushes us, pulls us, and provides the strength to persevere in loving kindness towards others. God’s love tops up the tank of life, enough for us and enough to share with others. Love is the fuel that keeps us going. Love helps us discern how we can do good for people in our lives provides the strength to do it.
As the holidays come to an end, our church family returns to a new year of faith-life together. Underlying all we will do this year is our love for God and for our neighbours. I encourage you to join us at church as we celebrate the love of God, and to take part in the life of the church as we share God’s love with others.
We recognise that in Auckland, following the Covid lockdowns and now the extreme flooding, we and the people of our community need God’s love more than ever.
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1 John 4:11)
God bless you
John Malcolm
december 2022 good news!
Good news! We have found Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus. I’m not kidding – we found them! I had heard rumours about them when I first came to Greyfriars ten years ago, but not having seen them with my own eyes I soon forgot about them. Diana mentioned them to me a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, they had been found deep in the basement of the church when we did a spring clean a few months ago. So, this week Diana took Maggie and I to see them, and sure enough there they were, in all their glory (well perhaps looking a little worse for wear). We brought them to the hall, unpacked them and set them up on the stage as part of our Advent and Christmas display.
They had originally been gifted to us, having been part of a mall nativity scene. Those who have been at Greyfriars for years will probably recognise them. Somehow, they had been lost. Well, not so much lost, as safely stored away in a place no one could remember.
It occurred to me that this may be symbolic of the Christmas story in the lives of many in our community, a vague awareness of something lost, a nostalgia, a longing, but fading in the memory.
My prayer is that this year, perhaps by a serendipitous event, a spring clean of old memories or a moment of spiritual awareness; people will remember, go looking and rediscover the real Christmas story. The story of God’s love, Joseph’s faithfulness, Mary’s courage, the angel’s song, the shepherds surprise and the wisemen searching – all focused on the baby Jesus.
If you are looking for something special this Christmas, he can be found in the manger, in the arms of Mary, in the hearts of those who love him.
“So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” (Luke 2:4–7)
Merry Christmas!
God bless you
John Malcolm
They had originally been gifted to us, having been part of a mall nativity scene. Those who have been at Greyfriars for years will probably recognise them. Somehow, they had been lost. Well, not so much lost, as safely stored away in a place no one could remember.
It occurred to me that this may be symbolic of the Christmas story in the lives of many in our community, a vague awareness of something lost, a nostalgia, a longing, but fading in the memory.
My prayer is that this year, perhaps by a serendipitous event, a spring clean of old memories or a moment of spiritual awareness; people will remember, go looking and rediscover the real Christmas story. The story of God’s love, Joseph’s faithfulness, Mary’s courage, the angel’s song, the shepherds surprise and the wisemen searching – all focused on the baby Jesus.
If you are looking for something special this Christmas, he can be found in the manger, in the arms of Mary, in the hearts of those who love him.
“So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” (Luke 2:4–7)
Merry Christmas!
God bless you
John Malcolm
november 2022 god's plan
My personal bible reading today was the well-known passage from Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) At the time this was written it was such an outrageous statement that one of the leaders, Shemaiah, called Jeremiah a maniac posing as a prophet and demanded he be reprimanded. The reason for his indignation was that Jerusalem had been conquered by the Babylonians, with the youngest, strongest and most able people taken into exile to serve their captors. In his estimation, Jeremiah’s words about prospering and making themselves at home was to deny the dreadful reality of the situation they were in. You can understand Shemaiah’s point of view, and it must have been very difficult for those who had been humiliated in captivity to see any good in what was happening.
However, Jeremiah was right, and it was God’s plan to allow his people to prosper even when they were in exile. As the Apostle Paul made clear, God is able to make use of all and any situations for the good of his people (Rom 8.28)
A right understanding of God’s desire to prosper his people is foundational to the hope which Christians enjoy. At any particular moment in time, our circumstances may shout at us with Shemaiah’s perspective, God cannot possibly use this for our good. Indeed, some captives in exile would have died, never having seen or understood how God could have been at work through this dreadful event. However, as people of faith we are to align ourselves with Jeremiah’s perspective on history rather than Shemaiah’s.
I recall one of the past moderators of the PCANZ saying of God, history is His-Story. I really don’t understand how God is at work in our current world events. It is a puzzle to me. But I am confident it remains His-Story. The writer of Hebrews addresses this by describing people like Enoch, Sarah and Noah who were in situations beyond their own understanding, and yet God was working in them and through them. He began by writing, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1) Faith is the ability to look beyond our present circumstances, and while not denying the reality of these, to know that God is unfolding His-Story for our wellbeing. The resurrection of Jesus, God breaking the power of sin and death, underlines His-Story, speaking to us of hope and life.
At present I am dipping into a book which I recommend to you, God For Us by Abbey Ross Hutto. Some of these themes have been influencing my preaching recently. One chapter is God for the Hopeless. Others are God for: the sceptics, the lost, the wanderers and the desperate. People who are in the midst of shame, betrayal, or affliction, who are weighed down or overwhelmed may find it difficult to believe that God is for us, that God has plans for us, for a hope and for a future. But it is true, and by faith we can begin to grasp this.
Therefore, find hope and strength in the light of the resurrection and in the words of Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God bless you
John Malcolm
However, Jeremiah was right, and it was God’s plan to allow his people to prosper even when they were in exile. As the Apostle Paul made clear, God is able to make use of all and any situations for the good of his people (Rom 8.28)
A right understanding of God’s desire to prosper his people is foundational to the hope which Christians enjoy. At any particular moment in time, our circumstances may shout at us with Shemaiah’s perspective, God cannot possibly use this for our good. Indeed, some captives in exile would have died, never having seen or understood how God could have been at work through this dreadful event. However, as people of faith we are to align ourselves with Jeremiah’s perspective on history rather than Shemaiah’s.
I recall one of the past moderators of the PCANZ saying of God, history is His-Story. I really don’t understand how God is at work in our current world events. It is a puzzle to me. But I am confident it remains His-Story. The writer of Hebrews addresses this by describing people like Enoch, Sarah and Noah who were in situations beyond their own understanding, and yet God was working in them and through them. He began by writing, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1) Faith is the ability to look beyond our present circumstances, and while not denying the reality of these, to know that God is unfolding His-Story for our wellbeing. The resurrection of Jesus, God breaking the power of sin and death, underlines His-Story, speaking to us of hope and life.
At present I am dipping into a book which I recommend to you, God For Us by Abbey Ross Hutto. Some of these themes have been influencing my preaching recently. One chapter is God for the Hopeless. Others are God for: the sceptics, the lost, the wanderers and the desperate. People who are in the midst of shame, betrayal, or affliction, who are weighed down or overwhelmed may find it difficult to believe that God is for us, that God has plans for us, for a hope and for a future. But it is true, and by faith we can begin to grasp this.
Therefore, find hope and strength in the light of the resurrection and in the words of Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God bless you
John Malcolm
october 2022 prayerfully pursuing the presence of god
When God promised to bring the people of Israel back from captivity, he spoke through the prophet Jeremiah saying, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.’” (Jeremiah 31:25) I wonder how many of us need the gentle rain of the Holy Spirit to fall on us refreshing our souls? As many of you know, here at Greyfriars we are taking time to focus on strengthening the spiritual lives of our church family. Recently we encouraged you to put your “spiritual roots” deep into the living water which Jesus provides.
Last month I encouraged you to pray for “spring growth” This month I encourage you to pursue the presence of God through prayer. It is helpful to consider prayer as a journey to the heart of the Father, the likeness of the Son and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The most profound answer to prayer is not a yes, no or wait to a request we might make, but to understand God desires us to experience his presence dwelling in our lives.
I recently read, It is nearly impossible to overemphasise how crucial prayer is to the pursuit of the mission of God. It is the fuel for mission. This applies not only to mission, our service to God, but also to spiritual life, our relationship with God. Prayer is the fuel for spiritual life. It is impossible to develop a spiritual life without prayer. It is through prayer we invite the refreshing rain of the Spirit and the tender mercies of God to minister in our lives. We cultivate our experience of God and our awareness of God’s presence through prayer.
If prayer is such a fuel, are you, or we as a church, running on empty, perhaps even running on fumes?
Imagine a person or church filled to the brim and overflowing with prayer; prayer for each other, prayer for each aspect of our lives, and prayer for all those, young and old, in our church family to experience and enjoy the presence of God. How rich a blessing that would be! We would not only find refreshing for ourselves, but we would also find it pressed down, running over into our laps and overflowing for the refreshment of others. Prayerfully pursuing the presence of God would spiritually renew and enliven us.
In the month ahead I invite you to pray that God would lead you on a journey of prayer to the heart of the Father, the likeness of the Son and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17–19)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Last month I encouraged you to pray for “spring growth” This month I encourage you to pursue the presence of God through prayer. It is helpful to consider prayer as a journey to the heart of the Father, the likeness of the Son and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The most profound answer to prayer is not a yes, no or wait to a request we might make, but to understand God desires us to experience his presence dwelling in our lives.
I recently read, It is nearly impossible to overemphasise how crucial prayer is to the pursuit of the mission of God. It is the fuel for mission. This applies not only to mission, our service to God, but also to spiritual life, our relationship with God. Prayer is the fuel for spiritual life. It is impossible to develop a spiritual life without prayer. It is through prayer we invite the refreshing rain of the Spirit and the tender mercies of God to minister in our lives. We cultivate our experience of God and our awareness of God’s presence through prayer.
If prayer is such a fuel, are you, or we as a church, running on empty, perhaps even running on fumes?
Imagine a person or church filled to the brim and overflowing with prayer; prayer for each other, prayer for each aspect of our lives, and prayer for all those, young and old, in our church family to experience and enjoy the presence of God. How rich a blessing that would be! We would not only find refreshing for ourselves, but we would also find it pressed down, running over into our laps and overflowing for the refreshment of others. Prayerfully pursuing the presence of God would spiritually renew and enliven us.
In the month ahead I invite you to pray that God would lead you on a journey of prayer to the heart of the Father, the likeness of the Son and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17–19)
God bless you
John Malcolm
september 2022 let us pray
I enjoy spring. It is a season of promise. The days grow longer and warmer. Buds form and tender shoots emerge. Initially, winter may try to hold us with a chilly breeze or fingers of grey cloud, but its grip is soon loosened. New life will not be constrained, seeds will germinate, and flowers will begin to open.
Our church needs a new season, an infusion of life, the gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit to lift our spirits. We need to emerge from the valley of the shadow of death into the green pasture, quiet waters, and to feel the warmth of God’s love upon our backs. As a step towards this I encourage you to pray.
I encourage you to use September as a time of concerted prayer. You can pray for yourself and your loved ones, but I particularly ask you to pray for our church family:
I suggest you clip this prayer from the “Messenger” and use it as a bookmark in your bible or place where it will catch your eye and remind you to pray. Perhaps you could copy it and use it as the background or screensaver on your phone or computer.
The early Christians devoted themselves to prayer and we would do well to follow their example (Acts 2.42) Someone has been said, If the Church is ever to get on its feet ,it must first get on its knees.
To encourage our prayerfulness during September we will have a prayer meeting prior to the Sunday service, meeting at 10am in the library (beginning Sunday 11 September). Perhaps you could arrive a little early on Sunday mornings and join us as we pray?
“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Our church needs a new season, an infusion of life, the gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit to lift our spirits. We need to emerge from the valley of the shadow of death into the green pasture, quiet waters, and to feel the warmth of God’s love upon our backs. As a step towards this I encourage you to pray.
I encourage you to use September as a time of concerted prayer. You can pray for yourself and your loved ones, but I particularly ask you to pray for our church family:
- For a fresh touch from God.
- For a new season of life.
- For buds of spiritual growth to blossom.
- For ……
I suggest you clip this prayer from the “Messenger” and use it as a bookmark in your bible or place where it will catch your eye and remind you to pray. Perhaps you could copy it and use it as the background or screensaver on your phone or computer.
The early Christians devoted themselves to prayer and we would do well to follow their example (Acts 2.42) Someone has been said, If the Church is ever to get on its feet ,it must first get on its knees.
To encourage our prayerfulness during September we will have a prayer meeting prior to the Sunday service, meeting at 10am in the library (beginning Sunday 11 September). Perhaps you could arrive a little early on Sunday mornings and join us as we pray?
“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
God bless you
John Malcolm
august 2022 mission inspired by god - fulfilled by us
Parish Council is leading the church on a year of mission to build the spiritual health of each person in our Greyfriars church family. Our aim is to help our church family and church mission become increasingly spiritually fruitful.
Please accept this as a personal invitation to be part of the process.
Recently in church I asked you to spend a little time in the presence of God, reflecting on the current year and asking yourself:
since January -
1) what have I learned about God?
2) what have I learned about myself?
This is the first step in the journey of faith we are taking together in the year ahead. As we reflected on the parable of Jesus (Luke 13:8), we discovered this nurturing act, to dig around the spiritual roots of our lives so as to improve our spiritual fruitfulness. Our hope is to be like the person described in the Psalms, “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:3) And, tending to the roots we … “will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,” (Psalm 92:12–14). Fresh, fruitful and flourishing. Such a church is a good place to be, a loving nurturing fellowship, a safe place for us and others to grow.
As we move into this year of mission the Parish Council will help us attend to the basics of our spiritual lives. To do this we encourage you to attend church regularly either onsite or online. We want each of us to have our spiritual roots in the life of this church so as to foster an increasing sense of belonging. If you are reading this, you belong!
Belonging is more than attendance, it is involvement. To help you become more involved we encourage you, if you are not already doing so, to find a small way you can contribute to the life of our church. Finding a way to invest yourself spiritually in church life will enhance your sense of belonging. We understand, especially for those who are new to church life, it can take time to discover where you fit in. Feel free to try several ministries or teams to see where your heart and skills can make a difference. We have all sorts of opportunities (too many to list) for you to connect with on Sundays or in our weekday ministries.
Parish Council want us to build on our spiritual strengths to foster “teams” where ordinary people can do the extraordinary because of who we are in Christ. We aim to be a church of teams so everyone has support (is not left alone) and so each of us can be involved with our skills, gifts and interests. Much of the strength of our church is found as God inspires our teams and groups. Our recent parish review indicated among our strengths are:
Parish Council also desires to see us improve the quality of our Christian witness. Our witness is enhanced as the light of Christ shines in us. If we are flourishing and fruitful, as described in the Psalms, we are more likely to be attractive witnesses. Together, we can provide an example of life that inspires faith in others.
This is not committing us to do more! Rather it is asking us to approach what we already do with a missional heart. In summary it is … A year of mission – digging around the spiritual roots of our lives – finding a small way to contribute – building on our strengths – and improving the quality of our Christian witness. Such a church will better reflect the love of God to the wider community, a beacon of light. I hope this inspires and engages you, so you can join us wholeheartedly as we seek to fulfil the mission God has called us to.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Please accept this as a personal invitation to be part of the process.
Recently in church I asked you to spend a little time in the presence of God, reflecting on the current year and asking yourself:
since January -
1) what have I learned about God?
2) what have I learned about myself?
This is the first step in the journey of faith we are taking together in the year ahead. As we reflected on the parable of Jesus (Luke 13:8), we discovered this nurturing act, to dig around the spiritual roots of our lives so as to improve our spiritual fruitfulness. Our hope is to be like the person described in the Psalms, “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:3) And, tending to the roots we … “will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,” (Psalm 92:12–14). Fresh, fruitful and flourishing. Such a church is a good place to be, a loving nurturing fellowship, a safe place for us and others to grow.
As we move into this year of mission the Parish Council will help us attend to the basics of our spiritual lives. To do this we encourage you to attend church regularly either onsite or online. We want each of us to have our spiritual roots in the life of this church so as to foster an increasing sense of belonging. If you are reading this, you belong!
Belonging is more than attendance, it is involvement. To help you become more involved we encourage you, if you are not already doing so, to find a small way you can contribute to the life of our church. Finding a way to invest yourself spiritually in church life will enhance your sense of belonging. We understand, especially for those who are new to church life, it can take time to discover where you fit in. Feel free to try several ministries or teams to see where your heart and skills can make a difference. We have all sorts of opportunities (too many to list) for you to connect with on Sundays or in our weekday ministries.
Parish Council want us to build on our spiritual strengths to foster “teams” where ordinary people can do the extraordinary because of who we are in Christ. We aim to be a church of teams so everyone has support (is not left alone) and so each of us can be involved with our skills, gifts and interests. Much of the strength of our church is found as God inspires our teams and groups. Our recent parish review indicated among our strengths are:
- Scripture is explored in relevant life-giving ways
- People enjoy a strong sense of community and welcome
- We are intentional about growing our faith
- There is a sense of God at work among us
- We prioritize ministry for our children and young people
- Children and young people are seen, heard and included in our church family
- We have a clear sense of mission and a mission plan; aligning our resources to enable mission beyond ourselves
Parish Council also desires to see us improve the quality of our Christian witness. Our witness is enhanced as the light of Christ shines in us. If we are flourishing and fruitful, as described in the Psalms, we are more likely to be attractive witnesses. Together, we can provide an example of life that inspires faith in others.
This is not committing us to do more! Rather it is asking us to approach what we already do with a missional heart. In summary it is … A year of mission – digging around the spiritual roots of our lives – finding a small way to contribute – building on our strengths – and improving the quality of our Christian witness. Such a church will better reflect the love of God to the wider community, a beacon of light. I hope this inspires and engages you, so you can join us wholeheartedly as we seek to fulfil the mission God has called us to.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)
God bless you
John Malcolm
JULY 2022 together in christ
Why, on a Sunday morning, would anyone change out of their comfy pyjamas, leave the convenience of livestreaming on their Wi-Fi connected device and the warmth of their living room, to gather in a church building? I was recently at a meeting of church leaders who were considering this. In today’s changing and challenging circumstances how do we foster togetherness, create community, helping people connect with God and each other on Sunday? It made me think about the changing patterns of church attendance which I try to represent below.
Until 2019 people would attend church by gathering inside the church building. This had been the normal pattern of church life for many years. When meeting together people would participate in worship, catch up with friends, and welcome guests and visitors. This allowed relationships to be formed and maintained as people networked through direct personal engagement with each other. This was a gathering where people experienced the service corporately among friends. This freedom to meet and network enabled the mission and outreach of the church, with large gatherings for holiday programmes, the light party and the like.
In 2020-21 the normal patterns of gathering were disrupted. We spent significant time in lockdown, and no one gathered inside the church building. We connected online via Zoom. We were more limited in our participation. It was difficult to play music on Zoom and we couldn’t join in congregational singing. Although we could meet following the service in chat rooms, we couldn’t easily catch up with a specific friend or have a conversation with them. Neither could we share in the hospitality we would previously have enjoyed at church with morning tea or lunch. Within Zoom we were an isolated bubble, maintaining services but the mission of the church was seriously curtailed. Then we faced the increasing issue of zoom fatigue and some became reluctant to meet on Zoom.
Now, in 2022, we have something different again. While attendance at onsite services is increasing, there is still a remnant remaining online. Those online can see what is taking place in the church, but those in the church can’t see them. Neither can those online see each other. Those who gather at the church can join in congregational worship, singing and enjoying fellowship together. They can chat, interact, and re-establish relationships. We are beginning to share in hospitality over morning tea. Because more of us are together, we are able to resume some aspects of our mission and outreach. However, this is tempered because with some still not onsite, others are carrying a larger burden, with fewer volunteers available.
Undoubtedly, the zoom services of 2020-21 were invaluable in a crisis, and the livestreaming of 2022 is providing a real connection for those still unable to attend in person, but the most fulfilling spiritual relationship is found as the church family gathers onsite. One of the challenges we face today, while respecting that a few people cannot safely gather in a crowd and that we all from time to time might need to isolate for a week or two, is to encourage the majority to return onsite. Hence the question I began with.
I suspect as a church we have a hybrid future, with a large percentage of people onsite while a smaller number remain online. We value the presence of both groups. We want to do our very best to make the livestream experience of church meaningful for those who connect from home, while recognising the richest spiritual experience of church is found in the presence of the church family onsite. God has created us as social beings, describing us as his flock. I am concerned that while online church is a helpful substitute for a season, over time people might find themselves like an ember removed from the fire, which loses its heat. Deeply rooted Christians of strong faith may glow brightly for quite some time, but what about those whose faith is not so well established. I wonder if people who come to faith online can fully experience the richness of fellowship until they come onsite. I cannot really imagine the experience of a person who becomes a Christian online without the personal experience of being physically present with others meeting together. I heard one pastor speak of a conversation he had with a person who had come to faith during lockdown and who asked, What is it like when Christians sing together in worship of God?
There are many advantages of gathering onsite with the family of faith. It is easier to exercise your spiritual gifts among the fellowship than it is when isolating at home. The nature of the Christian faith is that we need each other for spiritual growth, as iron sharpens iron (Prov 27.17). Onsite there are more opportunities to participate in the mission of the church. The bible teaches the church is a body made up of many parts and when we are together, we are able to take an active part in the body. When you are missing, we miss you and we miss the contribution you make (Eph 4.16). It is easier to fulfil the “one another’s” of scripture when we are with one another. How do we love one another if we seldom see each other? We are more likely to encourage others in the faith when we are meeting together (Heb 10.24-25). Our unity as we gather is a witness to God’s love for us and to the validity of Jesus’ mission (John 17.23). Further, imagine when a non-Christian attends a church service for the first time in his or her life, a person seeking God and exploring what the church has to offer and you are not there to greet them.
I ask you to reflect on the togetherness found in the early church, “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:44–47) God blesses unity and togetherness (Ps 133). And I invite us all to pray for each other, asking God to guide us together, removing barriers, obstacles, and mindsets that may be keeping us apart. Let us strive in unity to be built up together to the glory of God. “And in him (Jesus) you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:22)
God bless you
John Malcolm
I suspect as a church we have a hybrid future, with a large percentage of people onsite while a smaller number remain online. We value the presence of both groups. We want to do our very best to make the livestream experience of church meaningful for those who connect from home, while recognising the richest spiritual experience of church is found in the presence of the church family onsite. God has created us as social beings, describing us as his flock. I am concerned that while online church is a helpful substitute for a season, over time people might find themselves like an ember removed from the fire, which loses its heat. Deeply rooted Christians of strong faith may glow brightly for quite some time, but what about those whose faith is not so well established. I wonder if people who come to faith online can fully experience the richness of fellowship until they come onsite. I cannot really imagine the experience of a person who becomes a Christian online without the personal experience of being physically present with others meeting together. I heard one pastor speak of a conversation he had with a person who had come to faith during lockdown and who asked, What is it like when Christians sing together in worship of God?
There are many advantages of gathering onsite with the family of faith. It is easier to exercise your spiritual gifts among the fellowship than it is when isolating at home. The nature of the Christian faith is that we need each other for spiritual growth, as iron sharpens iron (Prov 27.17). Onsite there are more opportunities to participate in the mission of the church. The bible teaches the church is a body made up of many parts and when we are together, we are able to take an active part in the body. When you are missing, we miss you and we miss the contribution you make (Eph 4.16). It is easier to fulfil the “one another’s” of scripture when we are with one another. How do we love one another if we seldom see each other? We are more likely to encourage others in the faith when we are meeting together (Heb 10.24-25). Our unity as we gather is a witness to God’s love for us and to the validity of Jesus’ mission (John 17.23). Further, imagine when a non-Christian attends a church service for the first time in his or her life, a person seeking God and exploring what the church has to offer and you are not there to greet them.
I ask you to reflect on the togetherness found in the early church, “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:44–47) God blesses unity and togetherness (Ps 133). And I invite us all to pray for each other, asking God to guide us together, removing barriers, obstacles, and mindsets that may be keeping us apart. Let us strive in unity to be built up together to the glory of God. “And in him (Jesus) you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:22)
God bless you
John Malcolm
june 2022 a cloud of witnesses
Quite often when watching a sporting final on TV, the camera will zoom into the crowd and focus on a former player, one of the greats of the game, who had come to watch their old team play and to add their support and encouragement to the present-day players. In a similar way the author of Hebrews listed some of the greats of the faith and then wrote, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1–2) It seems the writer of Hebrews was thinking of an event like the Olympic games where previous champions would look on from the stands as the current crop of athletes competed on the field of play.
In recent weeks significant people associated with Greyfriars have died. Paul McKinney was part of the parish for twenty-six years and served as an elder for five years, Mike Legg served as an elder from 1973 and as Session Clerk until 2001, and Margaret MacBean grew up in Greyfriars, becoming the Sunday school superintendent in 1962 and then the first woman elder in 1984. Just a little earlier in the year Dawn Maxwell, who had served as the minister’s secretary in the church office, also passed away. Each of these people were faithful servants of God, who have left us an example of godly living. I think we could add their names to the list of saints the writer of Hebrews mentions.
The idea in the bible is the faithful who have completed their race, now watch those of us who are still running the race. Their example is meant to spur us on, to encourage us to throw aside anything that would hinder us, and to help us focus on the finish line where Jesus, the pioneer of our faith, waits to greet us. I sometimes think of those faithful servants of God. I find their example encourages me.
I suppose some of us have only a few more laps to go, while many still have a long run ahead of them. We don’t know the duration of this race for us, but we are all encouraged to run it well. As the Apostle Paul wrote, Run in such a way as to gain the prize. The aim here is not to be the first to cross the finish line, but to run the whole race faithfully. How are you doing in this race of faith? I hope you find the idea of the saints of old cheering you on encouraging. Could we be as faithful in our service as they were? What might you learn from them, endurance, kindness, generosity?
Let us continue faithfully in this race so we too may say “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7–8)
God bless you
John Malcolm
In recent weeks significant people associated with Greyfriars have died. Paul McKinney was part of the parish for twenty-six years and served as an elder for five years, Mike Legg served as an elder from 1973 and as Session Clerk until 2001, and Margaret MacBean grew up in Greyfriars, becoming the Sunday school superintendent in 1962 and then the first woman elder in 1984. Just a little earlier in the year Dawn Maxwell, who had served as the minister’s secretary in the church office, also passed away. Each of these people were faithful servants of God, who have left us an example of godly living. I think we could add their names to the list of saints the writer of Hebrews mentions.
The idea in the bible is the faithful who have completed their race, now watch those of us who are still running the race. Their example is meant to spur us on, to encourage us to throw aside anything that would hinder us, and to help us focus on the finish line where Jesus, the pioneer of our faith, waits to greet us. I sometimes think of those faithful servants of God. I find their example encourages me.
I suppose some of us have only a few more laps to go, while many still have a long run ahead of them. We don’t know the duration of this race for us, but we are all encouraged to run it well. As the Apostle Paul wrote, Run in such a way as to gain the prize. The aim here is not to be the first to cross the finish line, but to run the whole race faithfully. How are you doing in this race of faith? I hope you find the idea of the saints of old cheering you on encouraging. Could we be as faithful in our service as they were? What might you learn from them, endurance, kindness, generosity?
Let us continue faithfully in this race so we too may say “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7–8)
God bless you
John Malcolm
may 2022 creating community
I was pleased we were able to celebrate our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services onsite. The harshness of hammering nails into the cross on Good Friday contrasts with decorating the cross with flowers on Easter Sunday. One remembering our sin was nailed to the cross and the other the signs of life recalling Jesus rose from the dead. It is good to return onsite for our services. The office seemed quiet when the church was not firing on all cylinders. There was still plenty to do, but the buzz of people coming and going was missing. The vibrancy of spiritual life seemed subdued without the happy chatter of people attending the various ministries. But this will change as more people return to the services and as our ministries recommence.
On 5 June it will be Pentecost, the time we remember the Holy Spirit being poured out on the early disciples. More than any other day in the church year, this marks the birth of the church, when the first disciples were empowered to undertake the mission Jesus had given them. As we approach Pentecost I see this as a time for us to reaffirm our faith, step out in the power of the Holy Spirit and re-establish the life and mission of the church.
While returning onsite isn’t like the flick of a switch, I hope people will return without too much delay. However, I don’t think we will just pick up where we left off. That would be to overlook the toll COVID has taken on us personally and as a church. Each one of us has a story of our experience; times of isolation, concerns for family who have been ill, conversations with relatives who took a different stance on vaccines, weddings or funerals we were unable to attend, and the thing no one missed - rush hour traffic. Some of our church family have not been back onsite since August last year, a significant period of time that should be acknowledged. We need to recognise these unusual circumstances have to some degree reshaped us. I think, having returned onsite, our initial focus needs to be relational, to recreate community, and reconnect with each other. Simply being together as a church family will be restorative.
The early church created community as “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) I am confident we can find similar devotion in the months ahead. At this season in our church life we particularly need to be devoted to fellowship, fostering relationships and renewing our friendships as we begin to gather onsite.
There is a richness to the identity, life and calling of the church we can easily overlook or take for granted. We get bogged down when we could be soaring like eagles. As good as it has been to be able to hold services online, it has perhaps been like church in 2-D when our souls long for a 3-D experience. Online can’t give us the rich sense of fellowship we enjoy when we hear the voices of our church family unite to sing praise to God, the spiritual presence of heads bowed in prayer, when we can shake a hand, give a hug, chat over a cup of tea or enjoy a meal together. So, through May, I will use my Sunday messages to focus on church life. I hope this will lift and encourage us as we reconnect and build momentum together. I pray that over the next few months, each of us will be spiritually strengthened and invest time reconnecting with our church family as we seek to Create Community together.
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:29–31).
God bless you
John Malcolm
On 5 June it will be Pentecost, the time we remember the Holy Spirit being poured out on the early disciples. More than any other day in the church year, this marks the birth of the church, when the first disciples were empowered to undertake the mission Jesus had given them. As we approach Pentecost I see this as a time for us to reaffirm our faith, step out in the power of the Holy Spirit and re-establish the life and mission of the church.
While returning onsite isn’t like the flick of a switch, I hope people will return without too much delay. However, I don’t think we will just pick up where we left off. That would be to overlook the toll COVID has taken on us personally and as a church. Each one of us has a story of our experience; times of isolation, concerns for family who have been ill, conversations with relatives who took a different stance on vaccines, weddings or funerals we were unable to attend, and the thing no one missed - rush hour traffic. Some of our church family have not been back onsite since August last year, a significant period of time that should be acknowledged. We need to recognise these unusual circumstances have to some degree reshaped us. I think, having returned onsite, our initial focus needs to be relational, to recreate community, and reconnect with each other. Simply being together as a church family will be restorative.
The early church created community as “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) I am confident we can find similar devotion in the months ahead. At this season in our church life we particularly need to be devoted to fellowship, fostering relationships and renewing our friendships as we begin to gather onsite.
There is a richness to the identity, life and calling of the church we can easily overlook or take for granted. We get bogged down when we could be soaring like eagles. As good as it has been to be able to hold services online, it has perhaps been like church in 2-D when our souls long for a 3-D experience. Online can’t give us the rich sense of fellowship we enjoy when we hear the voices of our church family unite to sing praise to God, the spiritual presence of heads bowed in prayer, when we can shake a hand, give a hug, chat over a cup of tea or enjoy a meal together. So, through May, I will use my Sunday messages to focus on church life. I hope this will lift and encourage us as we reconnect and build momentum together. I pray that over the next few months, each of us will be spiritually strengthened and invest time reconnecting with our church family as we seek to Create Community together.
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:29–31).
God bless you
John Malcolm
april 2022 resurrection and wisdom
Christians serve two gods, who are husband and wife – this was a misunderstanding in the Greek speaking world when Christianity first began to spread. I recall being surprised when told this by my New Testament lecturer and it sounded strange to me. I wondered, How could the gospel message be so misconstrued?
The confusion happened because: 1) Greeks had a pantheon of gods and were used to the idea of many gods acting in human ways, being married and having children; and 2) the early Christians emphasised two foundational ideas, the Greek wording of which led to some confusion: Resurrection and Widsom.
An interest in wisdom was in the DNA of the Greeks with their philosophers and teachers. These people hearing the news of Christianity for the first time thought that the female god’s name was Sophia – which in Greek means wisdom, and that her husband’s name was Anastasios – which in Greek means resurrection. The good news about the resurrection of Christ and the wisdom of God were at the heart of the Christian message.
We catch a glimpse of this in Paul’s letter to the Christians in Corinth where he wrote, “Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling-block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,” (1 Corinthians 1:22–23) Resurrection and Wisdom are at the centre of the gospel which points to Jesus, who is both the power of God (seen in his resurrection) and the wisdom of God. The gospel news of what Jesus has done continues to be a stumbling block in our time. Some people question the wisdom of God’s plan for salvation, wondering how Jesus’ death makes sense, while others question the resurrection, doubting that Jesus was raised from the dead.
I cannot help but be moved by the story and events of Easter. I feel the shame of my sin, and the sorrow of knowing my beloved Saviour took it upon himself on the cross. I feel the wonder of hearing the news of the women who found the tomb was empty. And I thrill at the first appearances of the risen Lord, knowing he has conquered death.
I hope, as we approach Easter, you will find your spirit moved as you consider the gospel story and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. I pray we will each sense the power of God at work in us. I invite you to take a moment today to be still before God and then to reflect on what the Easter story means to you.
“But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Saviour,” (Titus 3:4–6)
God bless you
John Malcolm
The confusion happened because: 1) Greeks had a pantheon of gods and were used to the idea of many gods acting in human ways, being married and having children; and 2) the early Christians emphasised two foundational ideas, the Greek wording of which led to some confusion: Resurrection and Widsom.
An interest in wisdom was in the DNA of the Greeks with their philosophers and teachers. These people hearing the news of Christianity for the first time thought that the female god’s name was Sophia – which in Greek means wisdom, and that her husband’s name was Anastasios – which in Greek means resurrection. The good news about the resurrection of Christ and the wisdom of God were at the heart of the Christian message.
We catch a glimpse of this in Paul’s letter to the Christians in Corinth where he wrote, “Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling-block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,” (1 Corinthians 1:22–23) Resurrection and Wisdom are at the centre of the gospel which points to Jesus, who is both the power of God (seen in his resurrection) and the wisdom of God. The gospel news of what Jesus has done continues to be a stumbling block in our time. Some people question the wisdom of God’s plan for salvation, wondering how Jesus’ death makes sense, while others question the resurrection, doubting that Jesus was raised from the dead.
I cannot help but be moved by the story and events of Easter. I feel the shame of my sin, and the sorrow of knowing my beloved Saviour took it upon himself on the cross. I feel the wonder of hearing the news of the women who found the tomb was empty. And I thrill at the first appearances of the risen Lord, knowing he has conquered death.
I hope, as we approach Easter, you will find your spirit moved as you consider the gospel story and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. I pray we will each sense the power of God at work in us. I invite you to take a moment today to be still before God and then to reflect on what the Easter story means to you.
“But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Saviour,” (Titus 3:4–6)
God bless you
John Malcolm
MARch 2022 The church
How would you define, describe or explain what the church is and what it does?
What ideas or images come to mind when you think of the church?
What have you missed about church as it was before COVID arrived?
What have you enjoyed about church online?
What do you hope church will be like once we get past the Omicron peak?
During the history of the church, it has at times endured persecution, famine, plagues and wars, while at other times has enjoyed favour, flourished and had significant influence. Whatever has befallen the church it has always retained its devotion to Christ and the core values of worship, discipleship, fellowship, outreach and service (Acts 2.42-47).
A book I am reading speaks of the church as God’s beloved, called into existence by him to gather in worship. It describes the church as saints, members of God’s family, and as a multitude which makes us part of something bigger than we imagine. It portrays the church as a flock God cares for, a body where everyone has an important part to play and as gospel partners with work to do. (A Place to Belong, Megan Hill, 2020) Do any of those images resonate with you? Which do you find most challenging?
I have been encouraged by how well we as a church have adapted to change over the last couple of years. We have nimbly moved online, found new ways to connect, learned how to operate new technology, all the while caring for each other and experiencing new forms of worship, including that Jesus is present during communion even when we are all meeting in our own homes.
When we return onsite, the new normal may look quite like the old normal, holding to the centuries-old Christian values; and yet look different, adapting the shape of our activities to reflect the changes we have been through. I fully expect we will still pray together, worship together and even have the occasional potluck meal together. But given our recent experiences, what could we do better or differently that would enrich our worship, strengthen our fellowship, and enable us to connect more with the community around us?
The church we belong to is amazingly resilient. In the eyes of the Lord, the Church is his beautiful beloved bride. All of us filled with the presence of God’s Holy Spirit, gifted, equipped and empowered by him. Each of us holding out the word of life, freely passing on the good news of the gospel to anyone who cares to receive it. Together a family, sisters and brothers, who gather in faith.
With all that in mind I am looking forward to how God might guide us in the days ahead.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20–21)
God bless you
John Malcolm
What ideas or images come to mind when you think of the church?
What have you missed about church as it was before COVID arrived?
What have you enjoyed about church online?
What do you hope church will be like once we get past the Omicron peak?
During the history of the church, it has at times endured persecution, famine, plagues and wars, while at other times has enjoyed favour, flourished and had significant influence. Whatever has befallen the church it has always retained its devotion to Christ and the core values of worship, discipleship, fellowship, outreach and service (Acts 2.42-47).
A book I am reading speaks of the church as God’s beloved, called into existence by him to gather in worship. It describes the church as saints, members of God’s family, and as a multitude which makes us part of something bigger than we imagine. It portrays the church as a flock God cares for, a body where everyone has an important part to play and as gospel partners with work to do. (A Place to Belong, Megan Hill, 2020) Do any of those images resonate with you? Which do you find most challenging?
I have been encouraged by how well we as a church have adapted to change over the last couple of years. We have nimbly moved online, found new ways to connect, learned how to operate new technology, all the while caring for each other and experiencing new forms of worship, including that Jesus is present during communion even when we are all meeting in our own homes.
When we return onsite, the new normal may look quite like the old normal, holding to the centuries-old Christian values; and yet look different, adapting the shape of our activities to reflect the changes we have been through. I fully expect we will still pray together, worship together and even have the occasional potluck meal together. But given our recent experiences, what could we do better or differently that would enrich our worship, strengthen our fellowship, and enable us to connect more with the community around us?
The church we belong to is amazingly resilient. In the eyes of the Lord, the Church is his beautiful beloved bride. All of us filled with the presence of God’s Holy Spirit, gifted, equipped and empowered by him. Each of us holding out the word of life, freely passing on the good news of the gospel to anyone who cares to receive it. Together a family, sisters and brothers, who gather in faith.
With all that in mind I am looking forward to how God might guide us in the days ahead.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20–21)
God bless you
John Malcolm
“Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.” (Psalm 8:1)
Our God is amazing, full of grace and mighty in power. His name is majestic in the earth, in the wonder of creation. We see His creative power in the variety of life around us, flowers in bloom, trees in fruit, birds in flight – all attest to His majesty. His glory is seen in the heavens, the brightness of the sun, the orbiting moon and the far galaxies in the night sky.
God is worthy of our praise. Especially so when we have tasted His goodness and mercy. We who have the joy of salvation should amplify this praise, joining our voices with those of the angels who adore Him. Perhaps there is a song of praise that moves your heart in worship – then sing. Find ways to allow your soul to soar to Him in praise. Take a moment to listen to the sea, to the wind or to bird song. Perhaps tonight, if the sky is clear, just stand outside under the stars and behold the wonder of the night sky.
As we come to the end of the holiday season and begin to look at the year ahead, I invite you start the new year as we ended the last one - with our focus on God and praise in our hearts. Turn your eyes towards Jesus; remember again the goodness of the Lord so your heart may rejoice and gladness may wash over you.
Our God is amazing, full of grace and mighty in power. His name is majestic in the earth, in the wonder of creation. We see His creative power in the variety of life around us, flowers in bloom, trees in fruit, birds in flight – all attest to His majesty. His glory is seen in the heavens, the brightness of the sun, the orbiting moon and the far galaxies in the night sky.
God is worthy of our praise. Especially so when we have tasted His goodness and mercy. We who have the joy of salvation should amplify this praise, joining our voices with those of the angels who adore Him. Perhaps there is a song of praise that moves your heart in worship – then sing. Find ways to allow your soul to soar to Him in praise. Take a moment to listen to the sea, to the wind or to bird song. Perhaps tonight, if the sky is clear, just stand outside under the stars and behold the wonder of the night sky.
As we come to the end of the holiday season and begin to look at the year ahead, I invite you start the new year as we ended the last one - with our focus on God and praise in our hearts. Turn your eyes towards Jesus; remember again the goodness of the Lord so your heart may rejoice and gladness may wash over you.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full, in his wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace
Look full, in his wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace
May God richly bless you
John Malcolm
John Malcolm
DECEMBER 2021 take time this christmas
The seasons of the Christian year invite us to step aside from our normal routines and consider the bigger rhythms of life. Not what is in your schedule for the day, month, or year, but the rhythms of the decades and centuries. At times we are captivated by the urgency of the moment. We can stand so close to a small problem that it looms large, and it is all we can see. I certainly don’t mean our present concerns are trivial, but “this too shall pass”. The seasons of Advent and Christmas are bigger than our momentary issues and if we enter into the spirit of what they offer, they can bring a different perspective to our lives. Advent and Christmas have been celebrated for centuries, by generations, through wars, financial collapse, weather events and even pandemics. Advent reminds us of Hope, Joy, Peace and Love. It is quickly followed by Christmas and the wonderful reminder that Christ was born, Emmanuel, God with us!
I have been reading two interesting books recently; The Idea Book by Fredrik Haren and A Minute to Think by Juliet Funt. Both of these books suggest we need to hit the pause button and make space for creativity. Given, in Auckland, we have spent 107 days in lockdown you might assume we had an abundance of time on our hands for reflection, but that is not the case. Lockdown has been a disruption, not a relaxing holiday. I felt a check in my spirit when hearing Fredrik and Juliet speaking, and I realised I had not been making space for creative reflection. It inspired me to get their books and do something about it.
Advent and Christmas help us make space by allowing us to approach life differently. During these seasons you have permission to wear silly hats at the table, buy frivolous gifts, sing nonsense songs like Snoopy’s Christmas, and eat too much. God gives us permission to pause saying, “Be still, and know that I am God;” (Psalm 46:10). The modern approach to Christmas is to give us an artificial deadline we rush to meet. The ancient approach is to take time to reflect and put our lives into spiritual perspective. Rather than allowing urgency to take us captive to its demands, we should aim to take time captive by using it for creative stillness.
“If only”, you say. If only I had time. Making space in my day is a luxury I don’t have. I understand. I know there are people, situations, pressures that put demands on your life. But what if all those demands eventually crush you or drain you, leaving you emotionally, mentally and spiritually empty? Juliet Funt suggests we all have a yearning for space and offers the idea of a strategic pause. What would happen if on the way home from work you just pulled into a quiet street and parked there for five minutes? What would happen if at lunchtime you got up from your desk and walked outside for a moment of calm?
Perhaps you could apply this creative pause to Advent remembering God invites us to be still. Take five minutes over the next four days and on each day pause to reflect on one of the advent themes. You might close your eyes for a moment and allow your mind to drift. You might like just to take a moment to breathe and relax. You could ask yourself, what inspires my hope, when was I last joyful, where do I find peace, how do I express or receive love? Perhaps if you take five minutes, use the last thirty seconds to tell God what you have been thinking and ask Him to help you share the Hope, Joy, Peace and Love you have found in Him.
Melanie and I wish you all a joyful Christmas and a happy New Year.
God bless you
John Malcolm
I have been reading two interesting books recently; The Idea Book by Fredrik Haren and A Minute to Think by Juliet Funt. Both of these books suggest we need to hit the pause button and make space for creativity. Given, in Auckland, we have spent 107 days in lockdown you might assume we had an abundance of time on our hands for reflection, but that is not the case. Lockdown has been a disruption, not a relaxing holiday. I felt a check in my spirit when hearing Fredrik and Juliet speaking, and I realised I had not been making space for creative reflection. It inspired me to get their books and do something about it.
Advent and Christmas help us make space by allowing us to approach life differently. During these seasons you have permission to wear silly hats at the table, buy frivolous gifts, sing nonsense songs like Snoopy’s Christmas, and eat too much. God gives us permission to pause saying, “Be still, and know that I am God;” (Psalm 46:10). The modern approach to Christmas is to give us an artificial deadline we rush to meet. The ancient approach is to take time to reflect and put our lives into spiritual perspective. Rather than allowing urgency to take us captive to its demands, we should aim to take time captive by using it for creative stillness.
“If only”, you say. If only I had time. Making space in my day is a luxury I don’t have. I understand. I know there are people, situations, pressures that put demands on your life. But what if all those demands eventually crush you or drain you, leaving you emotionally, mentally and spiritually empty? Juliet Funt suggests we all have a yearning for space and offers the idea of a strategic pause. What would happen if on the way home from work you just pulled into a quiet street and parked there for five minutes? What would happen if at lunchtime you got up from your desk and walked outside for a moment of calm?
Perhaps you could apply this creative pause to Advent remembering God invites us to be still. Take five minutes over the next four days and on each day pause to reflect on one of the advent themes. You might close your eyes for a moment and allow your mind to drift. You might like just to take a moment to breathe and relax. You could ask yourself, what inspires my hope, when was I last joyful, where do I find peace, how do I express or receive love? Perhaps if you take five minutes, use the last thirty seconds to tell God what you have been thinking and ask Him to help you share the Hope, Joy, Peace and Love you have found in Him.
Melanie and I wish you all a joyful Christmas and a happy New Year.
God bless you
John Malcolm
NOVEMBER 2021 we are family
We are a church family. Like all families there are different views and opinions among us. Our differences are not what define us. Rather, the love, unity, and faith we find in Christ; and the presence of the Holy Spirit, are what join us together in our Heavenly Father’s family.
In every family there are circumstances that hinder or foster unity. As family we choose to love each other, to extend grace to one another and to seek the well-being of all. COVID‑19, particularly the Delta strain, has introduced significant health issues and challenges to our world. In Auckland, we have come to a moment of transition where it is likely as we ease restrictions COVID will spread more readily. Our prayer is that the high rate of vaccination will help suppress the spread. If not, then the next two or three months may place medical and support staff at increased risk of contracting the disease. It could also put our health system under strain.
We have come to a moment where care is required as we try to balance the various needs in our church family. We know that opinions over the use of vaccines have potential to divide. First and foremost, we choose to love each other and to do our best to fulfil the words of Jesus, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’” (John 13:35) Our challenge is how to care for all; the young who can’t be vaccinated, the elderly vaccinated who have other vulnerabilities, those who are unvaccinated, and those who feel unsure about leaving the shelter of their homes.
Given our circumstances there are no easy options. We are all affected by this pandemic. We have a duty of care because we are “our brother’s keeper” and we do have responsibility for our choices, not just to our church family, but also to the wider community. Decisions over the use of vaccines can only divide us if we forget to love each other, let go of love, or choose not to love. In love we are doing our best to make provision for all to join in worship by having our services both online and onsite. In love we respect each person whatever their decision regarding vaccines, choosing not to judge, but to remember we are one in Christ.
Parish Council gave careful consideration to our decisions to meet onsite using the vaccination pass, seeking to find a way forward for the health and safety of all. These are decisions made for this season of transition when COVID is still spreading in the community, and we hope the need for them will be short lived. We pray for grace and understanding as we navigate the changing circumstances. The decisions Council has made were not to discriminate or divide but to protect as we take careful steps towards being able to have all the church family safely meeting together in fellowship.
In this time of transition let us choose to show grace and love to all members of our church family. “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another.” (Romans 13:8)
God bless you
John Malcolm
In every family there are circumstances that hinder or foster unity. As family we choose to love each other, to extend grace to one another and to seek the well-being of all. COVID‑19, particularly the Delta strain, has introduced significant health issues and challenges to our world. In Auckland, we have come to a moment of transition where it is likely as we ease restrictions COVID will spread more readily. Our prayer is that the high rate of vaccination will help suppress the spread. If not, then the next two or three months may place medical and support staff at increased risk of contracting the disease. It could also put our health system under strain.
We have come to a moment where care is required as we try to balance the various needs in our church family. We know that opinions over the use of vaccines have potential to divide. First and foremost, we choose to love each other and to do our best to fulfil the words of Jesus, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’” (John 13:35) Our challenge is how to care for all; the young who can’t be vaccinated, the elderly vaccinated who have other vulnerabilities, those who are unvaccinated, and those who feel unsure about leaving the shelter of their homes.
Given our circumstances there are no easy options. We are all affected by this pandemic. We have a duty of care because we are “our brother’s keeper” and we do have responsibility for our choices, not just to our church family, but also to the wider community. Decisions over the use of vaccines can only divide us if we forget to love each other, let go of love, or choose not to love. In love we are doing our best to make provision for all to join in worship by having our services both online and onsite. In love we respect each person whatever their decision regarding vaccines, choosing not to judge, but to remember we are one in Christ.
Parish Council gave careful consideration to our decisions to meet onsite using the vaccination pass, seeking to find a way forward for the health and safety of all. These are decisions made for this season of transition when COVID is still spreading in the community, and we hope the need for them will be short lived. We pray for grace and understanding as we navigate the changing circumstances. The decisions Council has made were not to discriminate or divide but to protect as we take careful steps towards being able to have all the church family safely meeting together in fellowship.
In this time of transition let us choose to show grace and love to all members of our church family. “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another.” (Romans 13:8)
God bless you
John Malcolm
october 2021 future church
Perhaps dealing with the present uncertainties COVID is enough to think about. If making it through the next few weeks or months is all you can manage, then don’t read any further, I don’t want to stretch you beyond what you can cope with. But I am beginning to wonder: what next? I am thinking beyond how do we get back on site to how do we get back on track with our church life and mission.
Usually in October I begin to cast my mind into the next year when people have returned from their summer holidays. I consider how to start the new year, events, gatherings and themes. Normally, it is quite easy, because each year is pretty much like the one before, the cycle of summer holidays, the beginning of the school term, the University semester, leading into Easter … and so on. However, COVID-19 has disrupted normality. As we transition from elimination to suppression of COVID we are in uncharted waters. No one knows when we will be able to return onsite. In light of such uncertainty, rather than making minor adjustments to the way things normally are, we need to adapt to a changing situation. It is hard to envisage the future when looking through the fog of COVID.
Despite the uncertainty of this present moment, there will come a time AC, “after covid”. By that I don’t mean COVID will magically disappear, it will still be around, just not at the forefront of our thinking. It will not drop off the radar, but it will begin to fade into the background noise of life. It may take six months or three years, but there will come a time when life is more settled and the rate of change less disruptive.
At that future time the way we undertake our mission as a church may have changed but the heart of the mission will remain the same; the call of God to take the love of Christ into the community by the power of the Holy Spirit. The bible speaks of our hope in Christ being like an anchor for the soul. The rope of faith that fastens us to that anchor passes right through the fog of COVID, out the other side and even onward into eternity. Undoubtedly, we will get through this and find, yet again, God is faithful.
How do you envisage our church life this time next year, or the year after that?
We will still love children, and so provide safe places for them to learn about God and live out their faith. We will still be committed to helping young people grow in faith and pursue a godly life. We will still be committed to being an intercultural church, building relationships with people of diverse cultures.
If that is the future we hope for, what will God do to get us there? What is God stirring within your heart? What yearnings is He awakening in your spirit? What can we be doing to journey through the fog in this present moment, so as emerge from the pandemic ready to engage in our mission together?
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8) The God of our yesterdays is here with us today and will be with us as tomorrow comes. However thick or disorientating the fog of COVID may seem to us today, our God sees through it. Holding fast to Him we will find our way in life and in mission together.
God bless you
John Malcolm
You may like to take a moment to reflect on the words of this song, God of our Yesterdays
Usually in October I begin to cast my mind into the next year when people have returned from their summer holidays. I consider how to start the new year, events, gatherings and themes. Normally, it is quite easy, because each year is pretty much like the one before, the cycle of summer holidays, the beginning of the school term, the University semester, leading into Easter … and so on. However, COVID-19 has disrupted normality. As we transition from elimination to suppression of COVID we are in uncharted waters. No one knows when we will be able to return onsite. In light of such uncertainty, rather than making minor adjustments to the way things normally are, we need to adapt to a changing situation. It is hard to envisage the future when looking through the fog of COVID.
Despite the uncertainty of this present moment, there will come a time AC, “after covid”. By that I don’t mean COVID will magically disappear, it will still be around, just not at the forefront of our thinking. It will not drop off the radar, but it will begin to fade into the background noise of life. It may take six months or three years, but there will come a time when life is more settled and the rate of change less disruptive.
At that future time the way we undertake our mission as a church may have changed but the heart of the mission will remain the same; the call of God to take the love of Christ into the community by the power of the Holy Spirit. The bible speaks of our hope in Christ being like an anchor for the soul. The rope of faith that fastens us to that anchor passes right through the fog of COVID, out the other side and even onward into eternity. Undoubtedly, we will get through this and find, yet again, God is faithful.
How do you envisage our church life this time next year, or the year after that?
We will still love children, and so provide safe places for them to learn about God and live out their faith. We will still be committed to helping young people grow in faith and pursue a godly life. We will still be committed to being an intercultural church, building relationships with people of diverse cultures.
If that is the future we hope for, what will God do to get us there? What is God stirring within your heart? What yearnings is He awakening in your spirit? What can we be doing to journey through the fog in this present moment, so as emerge from the pandemic ready to engage in our mission together?
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8) The God of our yesterdays is here with us today and will be with us as tomorrow comes. However thick or disorientating the fog of COVID may seem to us today, our God sees through it. Holding fast to Him we will find our way in life and in mission together.
God bless you
John Malcolm
You may like to take a moment to reflect on the words of this song, God of our Yesterdays
SEPTEMBER 2021 footprints in the sand
You may be familiar with the poem Footprints in the Sand. It has the warm image of two sets of prints on the beach as Jesus walks with us, and then the dismay of a single set of prints followed by the question where were you when I needed you most? To which Jesus replies "those were the times when I carried you."
It struck me this morning, after more than five weeks in lockdown – this is a time when there is only one set of footprints in the sand.
We may feel we are walking alone, but in reality; Christ is carrying us through times of anxiety, confusion and uncertainty.
Be encouraged in your faith for He:
“… is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.””
(Zephaniah 3:17)
“… is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
(Ephesians 3:20–21)
“… is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
(2 Corinthians 9:8)
After such a lengthy lockdown, and with the uncertainty of days ahead, I encourage you with truth you already know well.
Our God is faithful.
Our Lord Jesus is near.
The Holy Spirit has been given to us and fills us with the presence of the living God.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)
God bless you
John Malcolm
It struck me this morning, after more than five weeks in lockdown – this is a time when there is only one set of footprints in the sand.
We may feel we are walking alone, but in reality; Christ is carrying us through times of anxiety, confusion and uncertainty.
Be encouraged in your faith for He:
“… is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.””
(Zephaniah 3:17)
“… is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
(Ephesians 3:20–21)
“… is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
(2 Corinthians 9:8)
After such a lengthy lockdown, and with the uncertainty of days ahead, I encourage you with truth you already know well.
Our God is faithful.
Our Lord Jesus is near.
The Holy Spirit has been given to us and fills us with the presence of the living God.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)
God bless you
John Malcolm
september 2021 fear and faith in times of covid
Fear is a reasonable human reaction to danger. At times fear can be irrational, but when confronted by a world-wide pandemic, where there is no “cure”, where the progress of the disease isn’t fully understood, treatments are still being developed and many are dying, fear is a rational response.
While fear might be the immediate response to danger, it is not a position Christians stay in for long. Christians are able to process danger through the lens of God’s sovereignty and God’s love; taking a balanced view with faith and wisdom.
We are not the first generation to face a medical emergency such as a pandemic. I was interested when my attention was drawn to the response of Martin Luther when he faced a deadly outbreak of bubonic plague in 1527. Many fled the city in fear, but he stayed. He wrote … “Therefore I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine, and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance infect and pollute others, and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. … See, this is such a God-fearing faith because it is neither brash nor foolhardy and does not tempt God.”
Luther trusted in the sovereignty of God by praying for divine protection. This was not all he did, as if the injunction to have faith in God meant that other actions revealed a lack of faith. Not only did Luther pray, he also fumigated, purified the air, took medicine and provided medicine to others. He isolated, avoiding places and people where his presence wasn’t required, seeing this as both protecting himself and others from infection. Luther did not want to cause anyone else to die because he was negligent.
It appears Luther used both faith and common sense. He trusted both in God and in the advances of medicine available in his day. Unlike those today who brazenly refuse the vaccine because they believe God will protect them, Luther took the medicine that God had providentially made available. He considered to do otherwise was foolhardy and tempting God.
It gets under my skin when I read headlines like the one recently in Stuff, COVID: 19 Mark of the Beast or manna from heaven? Christianity’s vaccine issue. It reported one pastor who thinks the vaccine might be the “mark of the beast”. It also mentioned other prominent church leaders who would not get vaccinated. This is foolhardy and irresponsible when there are many stories of anti-vaxxers having “deathbed conversions”. Realising their predicament, they express regret at not having the vaccine, and with their final breath encourage their family members to get vaccinated. I watched the video of one social media influencer who said she wanted to do more research before getting the vaccine. Sadly, her research was done first-hand on her hospital bed as she died.
Although Luther avoided people where he was not needed, he courageously went to the people and places where his presence was required. Indeed, he opened part of his home as a clinic for the sick. Fear did not cause him to flee from those who were ill, rather God’s love motivated him to help people. His faith didn’t require him to reject medicine or preach that others should reject it. Rather godly wisdom guided him to take appropriate precautions and to give the sick such medicines as were available.
I think we can learn from Martin Luther who was wise enough to take the medicine and courageous enough to help others without fear.
I encourage you for your own health and for the good of others to take the vaccine. In this way we will be in a better position to care for others who might need our help. It may also give increased confidence to the vulnerable members of our church family if they know that we have done all we can to protect each other, ready for when we can meet together again.
Philippians 2:4 Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well.
God bless you
John Malcolm
While fear might be the immediate response to danger, it is not a position Christians stay in for long. Christians are able to process danger through the lens of God’s sovereignty and God’s love; taking a balanced view with faith and wisdom.
We are not the first generation to face a medical emergency such as a pandemic. I was interested when my attention was drawn to the response of Martin Luther when he faced a deadly outbreak of bubonic plague in 1527. Many fled the city in fear, but he stayed. He wrote … “Therefore I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine, and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance infect and pollute others, and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. … See, this is such a God-fearing faith because it is neither brash nor foolhardy and does not tempt God.”
Luther trusted in the sovereignty of God by praying for divine protection. This was not all he did, as if the injunction to have faith in God meant that other actions revealed a lack of faith. Not only did Luther pray, he also fumigated, purified the air, took medicine and provided medicine to others. He isolated, avoiding places and people where his presence wasn’t required, seeing this as both protecting himself and others from infection. Luther did not want to cause anyone else to die because he was negligent.
It appears Luther used both faith and common sense. He trusted both in God and in the advances of medicine available in his day. Unlike those today who brazenly refuse the vaccine because they believe God will protect them, Luther took the medicine that God had providentially made available. He considered to do otherwise was foolhardy and tempting God.
It gets under my skin when I read headlines like the one recently in Stuff, COVID: 19 Mark of the Beast or manna from heaven? Christianity’s vaccine issue. It reported one pastor who thinks the vaccine might be the “mark of the beast”. It also mentioned other prominent church leaders who would not get vaccinated. This is foolhardy and irresponsible when there are many stories of anti-vaxxers having “deathbed conversions”. Realising their predicament, they express regret at not having the vaccine, and with their final breath encourage their family members to get vaccinated. I watched the video of one social media influencer who said she wanted to do more research before getting the vaccine. Sadly, her research was done first-hand on her hospital bed as she died.
Although Luther avoided people where he was not needed, he courageously went to the people and places where his presence was required. Indeed, he opened part of his home as a clinic for the sick. Fear did not cause him to flee from those who were ill, rather God’s love motivated him to help people. His faith didn’t require him to reject medicine or preach that others should reject it. Rather godly wisdom guided him to take appropriate precautions and to give the sick such medicines as were available.
I think we can learn from Martin Luther who was wise enough to take the medicine and courageous enough to help others without fear.
I encourage you for your own health and for the good of others to take the vaccine. In this way we will be in a better position to care for others who might need our help. It may also give increased confidence to the vulnerable members of our church family if they know that we have done all we can to protect each other, ready for when we can meet together again.
Philippians 2:4 Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well.
God bless you
John Malcolm
september 2021 god is love
I wonder if we tend to go through life with the illusion of control but then events like the current lockdown reveal our fragility and powerlessness. How do you feel when you see the empty shelves at the supermarket or queues at a Covid testing station? Covid is a disease we cannot see, is easily transmissible and has serious consequences for many who catch it. An illness, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, financial challenges … reveal how tentative our control on life is. If we are not as in control as we sometimes think, what can we truly rely on?
I invite you to read and reflect on the following verses. Perhaps read them three or four times, putting the emphasis on different words each time.
“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:16–18)
Which word or words stand out for you – God, love, fear, rely, confidence ….?
God is love – this is one of the foundational truths of the Christian faith. So much of what we read in the bible highlights the importance of love… For God so loved the world… We love because he first loved us… love your enemies… love each other as I have loved you... now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love….
If God is love, and we can rely on the love God has for us, then surely this must impact our lives, our attitudes, and our actions. If God is love, then we needn’t fear God or judgement. Indeed, if God is love, then rather than fear we can have confidence before God. The writer goes so far as to make God and love almost inseparable saying, Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. It is not that love is God, but love is evidence of God’s presence within a person’s life. Perhaps even more remarkable is the idea that as God lives in us, “ his love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12) What does it mean to you that in some way God’s love is made complete in your life?
God’s love is not contingent on us, we are not the source of this love, we do not control it, neither is it dependent on our circumstances. God’s love remains firm, true, unchanging and dependable. As the Apostle Paul wrote, nothing …. “in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:35–39)
As we wait in our bubbles, praying for the current outbreak of Covid to pass, perhaps anxious and knowing so much is beyond our control, we can rely on the unfailing love God has for us.
May God bless you richly
John Malcolm
“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge ….” (Ephesians 3:17–19)
I invite you to read and reflect on the following verses. Perhaps read them three or four times, putting the emphasis on different words each time.
“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:16–18)
Which word or words stand out for you – God, love, fear, rely, confidence ….?
God is love – this is one of the foundational truths of the Christian faith. So much of what we read in the bible highlights the importance of love… For God so loved the world… We love because he first loved us… love your enemies… love each other as I have loved you... now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love….
If God is love, and we can rely on the love God has for us, then surely this must impact our lives, our attitudes, and our actions. If God is love, then we needn’t fear God or judgement. Indeed, if God is love, then rather than fear we can have confidence before God. The writer goes so far as to make God and love almost inseparable saying, Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. It is not that love is God, but love is evidence of God’s presence within a person’s life. Perhaps even more remarkable is the idea that as God lives in us, “ his love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12) What does it mean to you that in some way God’s love is made complete in your life?
God’s love is not contingent on us, we are not the source of this love, we do not control it, neither is it dependent on our circumstances. God’s love remains firm, true, unchanging and dependable. As the Apostle Paul wrote, nothing …. “in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:35–39)
As we wait in our bubbles, praying for the current outbreak of Covid to pass, perhaps anxious and knowing so much is beyond our control, we can rely on the unfailing love God has for us.
May God bless you richly
John Malcolm
“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge ….” (Ephesians 3:17–19)
august 2021 wheelchair questions or armchair questions?
Do we approach the problem of suffering, with armchair questions or wheelchair questions?
Christopher Ash in his book Job: The Wisdom of the Cross wrote, We ask them as armchair questions if we ourselves are remote from suffering. We grapple with wheelchair questions …when we ourselves, or those we love, are suffering. In the book of Job, it seems Job is asking wheelchair questions while his friends are giving armchair answers. Job’s questions are asked through tears and trusting faith. His are the questions asked from the hospital bed, the homeless shelter and the food kitchen.
Job is a book for times such as these COVID times we are living through. It is like an old, perhaps neglected signpost that points us in the right direction, using ancient wisdom to address modern needs. I have been learning a great deal as I prepared the Sunday messages from Job, and I admit to struggling with the approach this book has to suffering. Job is short on answers and long on questions. Around 95% of this book is poetry full of ideas and images that a first glance seems to do more to stretch the mind than heal the heart. As a person who is used to getting super quick answers from Google, I find it frustrating that Job makes me work hard, doesn’t give a definitive answer, but with wisdom points beyond itself.
People who ask wheelchair questions deserve more than a quick armchair answer. The book of Job doesn’t give trite answers to burdensome questions, rather it invites us to take time to go deeper, for our imaginations to explore poetic imagery, and to ask our “impertinent” questions of God. There can be many armchair answers for why bad things happen to good people and these may shine a measure of light into the darkness of suffering. However, the comfort of Job is more to be found in wisdom than in knowledge, and more specifically in an intimate relationship with God.
I find it interesting that in the heart of this book Job realises his need for a mediator to represent him before God, and at the end of the book, God appoints Job as the mediator who will represent and restore his wayward friends in their relationship with God. “So now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly.” (Job 42:8) Here, with the sacrifice of cattle and intercession for his friends, Job points towards the ministry of Jesus Christ who would sacrifice himself for us, and even pray for us from the cross, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ (Luke 23:34) I hope you hear the echo of God’s care for us in Jesus’ words from the cross, My servant Jesus will pray for you and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly.
In one sense, Jesus left his armchair existence (heavenly throne) to enter our wheelchair existence (experiencing human life) so he could mediate for us with God. So, the answer to the question of suffering is found in God entering human suffering and in our relationship with Jesus the suffering servant. Whereas Adam and Eve sacrificed their relationship with God to gain knowledge, Jesus sacrificed his life, through suffering, to enable our lost relationship with God to be restored.
The book of Job invites us on a journey, through poetic imagery to consider the question of suffering. Ultimately it points us to the mediator, Jesus and his suffering upon the cross. … for without Jesus the book of Job will be but “the record of an unanswered agony.” (Christopher Ash) God answers questions that trouble us and ministers to us in our suffering by taking our hand, walking through life with us and comforting us with His presence.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3–4)
God bless you
John Malcolm
Christopher Ash in his book Job: The Wisdom of the Cross wrote, We ask them as armchair questions if we ourselves are remote from suffering. We grapple with wheelchair questions …when we ourselves, or those we love, are suffering. In the book of Job, it seems Job is asking wheelchair questions while his friends are giving armchair answers. Job’s questions are asked through tears and trusting faith. His are the questions asked from the hospital bed, the homeless shelter and the food kitchen.
Job is a book for times such as these COVID times we are living through. It is like an old, perhaps neglected signpost that points us in the right direction, using ancient wisdom to address modern needs. I have been learning a great deal as I prepared the Sunday messages from Job, and I admit to struggling with the approach this book has to suffering. Job is short on answers and long on questions. Around 95% of this book is poetry full of ideas and images that a first glance seems to do more to stretch the mind than heal the heart. As a person who is used to getting super quick answers from Google, I find it frustrating that Job makes me work hard, doesn’t give a definitive answer, but with wisdom points beyond itself.
People who ask wheelchair questions deserve more than a quick armchair answer. The book of Job doesn’t give trite answers to burdensome questions, rather it invites us to take time to go deeper, for our imaginations to explore poetic imagery, and to ask our “impertinent” questions of God. There can be many armchair answers for why bad things happen to good people and these may shine a measure of light into the darkness of suffering. However, the comfort of Job is more to be found in wisdom than in knowledge, and more specifically in an intimate relationship with God.
I find it interesting that in the heart of this book Job realises his need for a mediator to represent him before God, and at the end of the book, God appoints Job as the mediator who will represent and restore his wayward friends in their relationship with God. “So now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly.” (Job 42:8) Here, with the sacrifice of cattle and intercession for his friends, Job points towards the ministry of Jesus Christ who would sacrifice himself for us, and even pray for us from the cross, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ (Luke 23:34) I hope you hear the echo of God’s care for us in Jesus’ words from the cross, My servant Jesus will pray for you and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly.
In one sense, Jesus left his armchair existence (heavenly throne) to enter our wheelchair existence (experiencing human life) so he could mediate for us with God. So, the answer to the question of suffering is found in God entering human suffering and in our relationship with Jesus the suffering servant. Whereas Adam and Eve sacrificed their relationship with God to gain knowledge, Jesus sacrificed his life, through suffering, to enable our lost relationship with God to be restored.
The book of Job invites us on a journey, through poetic imagery to consider the question of suffering. Ultimately it points us to the mediator, Jesus and his suffering upon the cross. … for without Jesus the book of Job will be but “the record of an unanswered agony.” (Christopher Ash) God answers questions that trouble us and ministers to us in our suffering by taking our hand, walking through life with us and comforting us with His presence.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3–4)
God bless you
John Malcolm