TrustworthyPaul had a problem – he knew he was soon to die and the churches he had planted were at risk. He heard that the congregations he loved were being deceived and led astray by untrustworthy teachers. Who could Paul trust to care for the people of these churches? Who could be trusted to faithfully carry on the work of sharing the gospel? Paul turned to his protégé Timothy, hoping he would continue the good work, but Timothy was timid and perhaps the flame of faith was dimming in his life.
In this letter, Paul wrote to encourage Timothy - and by doing so he has left encouragement for us. With the God‑breathed “word” and the unchained gospel, Timothy had the opportunity to help the church thrive. We are in a similar situation – will we fan the flame to life and prove to be trustworthy servants of God? Join us for this series in 2 Timothy as we consider: |